Military Parade? Yes. Space Force? Yes. Wall? Yes. Promised Raises for Government Employees? TOO EXPENSIVE

Just last night the mother in law asked my wife if she got a raise this year. My wife said No. As I started to correct her she said, Well cost of living.

But how does the proportion of that compare?

Congress will pass the appropriations bill with the 1.9% raise included and he will sign it.

Yep. He will.

It does not sense either, unless this is just Trump playing people.

He could be just using this issue to light a fire under people’s asses, and draw attention to the deficit. Then he can turn the issue around on them and get Congress to move forward on his agenda to cut wasteful federal government spending.

Poor babies. What other career path has such easy access to steady pay raises as federal employees?

I’ve gotten a pay raise every year since I’ve been in the workforce. And I’m in private sector work.

How would you feel if your boss was trying to spend lavish amounts of the business’s money on a large gold bust of himself, but a month later claim that no one gets a raise because its time to tighten the belts?

If it was actually his money, and not the invertor’s, what right would I have to complain? Actually, unless I were an investor I’d not have a right even then … though I might ALERT investors who do mind you. But for me, my due, I work for an agreed upon sum and under agreed upon terms and so long as the boss is not in arrears to me I’m getting my due. Just because someone wants more that doesn’t mean they have a right or an expectation to receive it.

The issue is that Trump wanted to spend upwards of $100M on a military parade for no reason besides his love for parades but then turn around a month later and proclaim that no one gets a raise because the US needs to become more fiscally responsible.

But you asked about a boss I might have.

Anyhoo, were you outraged when, IIRC, Obama proposed freezing federal wages for a couple of years?

And I’ll take wasting a hundred million over a parade than on pallets headed towards Iran any day.

Or being pissed off on SJW fluff rather than being spent on things like remedial education to actually help kids in Chicago (the Chicago Annenburg Challenge loot which you may not recall).

But if that’s not enough, let me remind you of something that happened some years back when Congress found a hundred million dollars that they’d misplaced. Now, this is an amount the seasoned hacks in Congress can piss off on a slow day before breakfast but the critters were positively drooling over how to spend the windfall. Ever since I joke about going through the cushions on my Congresscritter’s couch when I visit his office … who knows I might score a twenty (if he were a liberal, either party, I’d joke I might find a hundred)?

Time was for even Congress a million here or a million there and soon we’d be talking real money – heck, for me I can reach that with a thousand here or a thousand there – but now they can hardly notice so much more.

Yes, I’m upset about federal spending … especially numerable hundreds of billions on all these programs that there’s no delegated power given the federal to even have (at a minimum, if it’s progressive the federal has no delegated power to spend money on it no matter what people’s circumstances may be).

When they are being paid with taxpayer funds those providing them absolutely deserve to have some input.

Gov’t employees exist to serve the public, not to service us.

Yes. Congressional budget. Maybe not the president dictating things.

The Chief Exec gets to make those decisions.

The board of directors approves budgets, in this case, think of congress as the board of directors…

Your leader says they are taking on the neck slicers of MS13 on a daily basis!

Well, Trump is an idiot.

Software engineering?

So last year he signed a budget that included a significant rise in the deficit because r made total sense in a strong economy. But this year his process is that in the same economy it makes sense to now institute cuts. What’s changed?

Is civics like a banned subject in some places? He gets to make that decision only when he signs the annual budget. And even that’s subject to checks and balances. So no it’s sctually not his decision. Not really

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Those called in to fix the mess, those who made the mess, or the guys what takes credit?