Military Parade? Yes. Space Force? Yes. Wall? Yes. Promised Raises for Government Employees? TOO EXPENSIVE

Are you really too thick to know what a bureaucrat is?

No they aren’t.

I know exactly what a bureaucrat is. But thanks for asking.

Well my masters degree in statistics argues otherwise. So I’m quite sure you’re the one lacking in that department

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How in the hell would you know how many federal employees voted for Trump?

Stick to giving people stock market advice.

I worked for a municipality for 12 years and there was no way I or any of my fellow workers were city bureaucrats, lol!

Get real, Sneaks!

C’s get degrees.

summa cum laude. So piss off.

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Just politically, cutting off a pay raise so close before an election just seems unique…unless it is known full well that Congress will grant that 1.9% raise and be the saving hero.

There’s no 25% pay cut. If it didn’t go through (which I bet it will through Congress) we are talking about not getting a 2.1 % difference. The huge locality increase has been blocked ever since it came into existence and no sane person ever thought that would go through. Obama did the same thing.

Then how on earth could you think a cafeteria worker is a bureaucrat???

trump is laughing laughing laughing at your stupidity.

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And their English is so suprisingly good.

Bureaucrat is a rather nebulous term

In its most broadest usage, even the janitor at the Pentagon is a bureaucrat.

I think a more tempered reference to a bureaucrat, would be to a Civil Servant who has obtained sufficient rank in office to have some discretion in how he performs. Generally, that starts happening at GS-7 and up.

My cousin is a bureaucrat in the full traditional sense of the word. He is in the Senior Executive Service and has significant power and responsibility. Most Federal employees are closer to the bottom than the top and have no power or responsibility, just rote duties they must carry out.

Right here, right now $1,000 says he pulls back from this and all his fans praise him for it.


The federal government, like a lot of local and state governments, have moved food service and janitorial services to contract work - they don’t directly employ those minimum wage jobs (in general).


Why is there no way?

Is this “raise” based on merit?

Stop giving them the answers, they don’t learn that way.

The yokels in the South just haven’t yet figured out how games are played in New York City. Plus, the TV and radio keep them in line.

Now, which TV and radio personalities made out like bandits regarding the tax cuts and how are they affected by the lack of pay increases for lower paid people (including federal employees)? Now find the ones against this stuff and the ones for this stuff.