Military Parade? Yes. Space Force? Yes. Wall? Yes. Promised Raises for Government Employees? TOO EXPENSIVE

They should be happy with the tax cut that more than paid for their Costco membership.


The bumpkins from the south are getting rolled by a New York City con man.

Good point. They are, after all, just a bunch of corrupt leaches. $15/hr is too generous for their types. I mean, so what they risk their lives to protect us and our freedoms. MAGA!!!


LOL risking their lives. :rofl:

You’re right they don’t!

The thought of paying “some” of em more money in DC area is enough to make sane person cringe.

Good, they should drop all their wages down to minimum wage until they quit. ■■■■ these leeches who exist only to subvert Trump and ruin our nation.


Pay them? Pay them??? We should fire them. No job. No unemployment. Plenty of room on the street for them. As long as it’s your street. Keep those vermin off mine.

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Yeh, this ensures our public servants are the best…

In real life, there’s a 1.9% pay raise for feds in the current Senate spending bill, but nothing in the corresponding House version. If the House goes along with the Senate version in conference, that would override Trump’s plan. That’s happened a number of times in the past with previous presidents.

And i think there’s some misunderstanding of locality pay. I believe what he’s referring to is adjustments to the current levels, not rolling locality pay back to 0. Typically, a (e.g.) 1.9% increase is divided between salary and locality pay adjustments.

“Best economy ever” can’t guve nominal pay increases… OK

Trump can either veto or just ignore the “law” that gives them the raises. We don’t need to fund the deep state.

ICE agents aren’t risking their lives? They aren’t in harms way? Interesting. What is it you believe they do exactly?

acoording to trump he’s canceling them due to
national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare.

i thought the economy was doing wonderful

When I talk to my cousin out in Arizona, a 42+ year member of the Senior Executive Service, originally on the General Schedule, he told me pretty much nobody in his department in the Indian Health Service voted for Trump. While most of the careerists in his department are Democrats, even Republicans, such as himself, despise Trump.

I pretty much expect the Civil Service to vote a straight Democratic ticket as long as Trump remains in office.

The ones I know here in NoVa tend to be in the IC (I live right near the CIA university) as well as civilians working for the Navy and many of them voted for trump because “if they did what Hillary did with classified information, I would have been fired”. I wonder how much of the crap that trump has now pulled would get them fired if they did it.

ICE, Border Patrol, FBI, CIA, Federal Marshals, ATF…

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You win the internet today.

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Ahem…Secret Service…

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This is from 2017 about 2018. What’s it got to do with trump canceling raises for 2019?