Militant Secularism

Trumpist Talking Point Achievement: UNLOCKED


Stay thy blasphemies, lest the wrath of Environmental God and the pantheon of global warming Gods deliver unto thee a smiting from on high!

personal I’,m a big fan of Grieg the vegan god of almond milk.

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There’s an enormous difference between not wanting someone to speak at a certain place (like, why is this institution giving this person a platform ?) and proclaiming that said person has no constitutional right to speak and be heard.

Not at all. Less unwanted children = less crime, no matter what color they are. And I’m not a Democrat.

Balderdash - eveeyone knows if you support reproductive rights and/or are critical of Donald, you are a DEMOCRAT.

Kind of what I thought when I saw someones post “Nothing is more American than forced religious devotion”.

That is what Barr is pushing, he think its the job of the government to enforce Christian morality.
some good old middle ages values there.

So more African Americans mother’s don’t want their children than whites? Why is this?

Again, statistics are available. Abortions are performed disproportionately on minorities. This is a fact. If people who support abortion aren’t aware of this, they are ignorantly supporting something that has had a detrimental effect on the African American and minority populations. Makes me wonder why these statistics aren’t given in our public liberal indoctrination centers.

On the other hand, if people who support abortion are aware of the statistics, it makes me wonder the racial make up of the supporters. I also wonder about the political make up of abortion supporters. For a practice that is such a benefit to EVERYBODY, I’m just wondering who really does benefit.

Conservatives and Republicans are quite often labeled as racists. We are equated with white nationalists, white supremacists, neo Nazis, skin heads and others who probably rejoice that more minorities are murdered before birth than whites, yet strangely, it’s the Republicans that are mostly against abortion and Democrats who are mostly for it.

I am just trying to get this apparent discrepancy nailed down, please clarify…

You mean a DEMONRAT ??!!! Oh ya, that I may be :wink:

How do you know that less unwanted children= less crime and not less unwanted children= less police to fight crime which means more crime? You know that the numbers of criminals born is decreased more than people who are beneficial to society? How do you know this?

Because we’ve had a steady decline of violent crime ever since Roe v. Wade

I missed that. Got a quote?

Don’t you mean Unreproductive rights? No one is questioning anyone’s right to reproduce. You guys have such wonderful metaphors for terminating life. “Reproductive Rights”, “choice” why do you have such a problem calling it what it is? Terminating an innocent life… What’s so hard about naming what you’re so proud of?

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Know what else we’ve had since Roe v. Wade? A disproportionate reduction in the African American population compared to white people. How does everybody benefit from this?

May as well fact check you here. Your claim appears to be false:

“in the Framers’ view, free government was only suitable and sustainable for a religious people, a people who recognized that there was a transcendent moral order antecedent to both the state and to manmade laws and had discipline to control themselves according to those controlling principles.”

I wonder what he is talking about.

Because that would be admitting we support the mass slaughter of precious innocent babies, DUH.

That’s no way to push Satan’s agenda forward!

Any moral high ground you guys thought you had has gone out the window a loooooooong time ago.

What does this have to do with abortion?
You’ve provided a chart showing the percentage of African Americans through the years.

If the current percentage of African Americans in our population is about 15%, then a proportionate number of abortion would also be about 15%. This isn’t the case at all, especially in big cities. Look at ABORTION statistics, not population statistics.