Militant Secularism

You havent read all the posts though, have you?

Wife of Bath.

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You didnt like that other people used their free speech to take issue with Barr’s remarks, so you tried (and failed) to paint him as a victim of evil libs trying to silence him.

Because it’s easier to play victim than make a cogent argument.

She said he shouldn’t speak because of his lack of knowledge of the law, not because of his politics.


I’ve read enough.

Actually, she basically just called him an idiot.

You know, free speech.

Seems to me Barr ruffled some feathers.

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Which is of course ludicrous. And he was speaking about ethics, morals and religion, not about the law. He never, at least in any quotes, said that secularists should be banned by the government.

Come on, at least do some research.

He was speaking at the law school, discussing the first Amendment and freedom of religion.

Pointing and laughing doesn’t mean that feathers are ruffled.

Wow! So since most ( by a large percentage) abortions are done on black and other minority women, and you are claiming the drop in the violent crime rate has been “steadily declining since about the time of Roe v. Wade”, are you implying that a greater percentage of crime is committed by blacks and other minorities? Or, are you perhaps saying that since so many more blacks and minorities are aborted than white babies that everyone benefits because there are less of those? It’s almost like there is some kind of racist agenda behind the militant abortion rights movement. :thinking:

Nah, everyone just KNOWS there is no racism in ANYTHING Democrats ever support! The party of tolerance would NEVER tolerate something like abortion unless children of all races were being murdered in EQUAL numbers.

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That was an amazing leap. White people always want their babies?

Simple, I don’t care about your religion and want you to keep it out of my government.

An amazing leap?? Did he not equate the drop in violent crime as beginning about the time of Roe v. Wade? Abortion statistics are available you know. Abortion has not benefitted the African American population and he said EVERYONE benefits.

Amazing leap to accuse him of racism. He never said fewer black babies means fewer crime. He said fewer unwanted babies.

Your response seems a bit racist. 49% of abortions in the US are performed on whites.

Compare to ever loving libs?

Talk about victim hood…poor homes couldn’t buy a wedding cake. Or libs screaming victim hood because we don’t accept transgenders around our children?

Face it…outside of perverted coastal regions…American despise libs morality.

There is no bigger victim then white people.

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LeBron James is inspirational for all libs to follow.

Nothing is more American then forced religious devotion.