Mike Johnson Is New Speaker of the House

No they don’t. Look at them watch the Trump trials the same way they watched russian collusion and impeachment. Never noticing it was just fake news and theater…

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I am good with an automatic CR if September 30 passes and no budget has passed, coupled with a suspension in congressional pay until the actual budget is passed.

So you kicked McCarthy out for passing a CR, but Johnson putting up a CR is…good? Bad?

Why even have a congress, if they no longer debate budgets…? They are just a rubber stamp for the agencies and the corps wanting govt money. That’s fine with you?

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If they are going to suspend money for Congressional pay the they should suspend Biden’s pay as well afterall he’s the one who refuses to compromise on the budget.

“My way or the highway”.

Then blame Congress for any shutdowns.


I didn’t do anything. And no I don’t think CR’s are great no matter who passes them. But so far, I do think Johnson is much better than McCarty. It worked out great…

I don’t understand this. Are you saying there is no debate over government funding if there isn’t a government shutdown?

I like the way he is dividing the budget up.

For example money for Israel and Ukraine are no longer tied together like Biden wants it.

I wouldn’t send money to either one myself. Israel doesn’t need help handling Hamas and we have no business in the middle of Ukraine.

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No. I’m saying there is no real debate on the budget long before we get to CR and a govt shutdown, but there should be.

There absolutely should be and I think if they knew their pay would be suspended if they didn’t then they would do their job.

Perhaps, but that’s not going to happen.

Meanwhile if congress fails to pass budget they get to keep the same candy they got last year and the year before, so the incentive is not to pass a new budget just keep the CR…

brandon it must stop

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The budget MUST be debated.

The current CR is temporary. There’s no way an actual debate and bill-passage could happen before the current deadline. This CR (actually a two-part CR) averts a shut-down now, and creates time to do some actual budget debate. And it’s during that time when the battle should be waged. Demanding cuts now guarantees a shutdown.

Let the hard-liners pout. They could NOT have won anything in the next few days. They’ll get their chance to wage the battle they want (and the battle we NEED) in the coming weeks.

And Johnson makes it clear that such a discussion is expected and forthcoming. If I were in Congress, I would be fully behind this approach.

The House passed the stopgap funding bill.


More Democrats voted for this than Republicans.

Rs: Y: 127 N:93
Ds: Y: 209 No: 2

Way more Democrats voted for it than Republicans. Very interesting strategy, Mike.


I guess 127 Rinos?

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Rand Paul might slow walk it, but it will pass the Senate and Biden will sign it. So no holiday shutdown. Chip Roy is probably crying right about now!!!

Your decision wheel needs alignment. I only agreed that lefties never think through their schemes, any of them.

As an example I will use the people’s republic of California. The wonderful leftist government wants to clean the air. Legislate that gas must contain a certain additive. Additive ended up poisoning the ground water.
Was hastily removed.

Isn’t this exactly what McCarthy did?

Why aren’t they sending this guy to the curb? Cutting slack because he’s new?

Speaker Mike is getting it done!

That’s the kind of thing that gets a speaker canned.