Migrants reject the accommodations provided for them as unacceptable!

We have laws, already agreed upon by all sides and established to guide anyone and everyone through our immigration process. Let’s drop opinions and enforce our laws…equally to all…period. Those with other opinions have a process to establish new laws but in between is chaos costing this country billions and billions of dollars per year, that it does not have to pay, for these opinions.



Your caucus disagrees.

Good post.

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The US immigration system is as broken as the Titanic. It’s horrible.

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That’s no excuse not to enforce our laws that were already agreed to by all sides. If something needs improvement, improve it…legally. Our border is being overrun and it’s the job of the President to stop this invasion. The question is, can it be stopped? The answer is yes but Mayorkas is a turd on a mission.

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No, it’s not. I agree with you. But should they be starved and otherwise immiserated because we insist on electing greedy fools?

They’re human beings. What does the Good Book tell us about foreigners among us?

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Let’s send them home to wait.


Nope. Honest people do thing the right way. No matter how long it takes or how hard it is.

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I would suggest we make a policy and call it “remain in Mexico”.


No, they should not be mistreated. They should be processed as soon as possible.
Let’s not pretend all of these people are even (ersatz) asylum seekers, though. New York City has no system in place to check the legal status of these people…nor do they care what it is.
As to any future border crossers…remain in Mexico.

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That seemed to work pretty well.

I don’t know what “it” is but your post has nothing to do with mine. As far as the Good Book…this is so important…it’s a commandment; Thou shalt not steal and that’s what they’re doing at the southern border. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I would expect to be immediately expelled for doing it illegally and so that’s exactly what I want done. Enforce our laws.

and there is the gist of the anti immigrant mania of this forum.


its congress fault. if something needs fixing they are the ones to pass laws.

instead they bicker about fighting each other and committee witnesses.

not one congressperson (democrat or republican) has offered ameaningful immigration reform bill.



What there’s a gist of, are those encouraging the breaking of our laws and not enforcing them.

except that they are not.


I know this is a tough question for a lib but let’s try; did they cross the border legally or illegally?

[i(l)ˈlēɡ(ə)l, əˈlēɡ(ə)l]
contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law:

the asylum seekers.

legally. they are awaiting adjudication in immigration courts.


…and that view is complicit in the breaking of our laws.

Here…listen to a young boy tell you the facts and how what you’re promoting, is hurting this country.