Michigan school shooting

Agreed. I provided you the current time line.

True, but ibid.

Agreed. Or at least didn’t find it disturbing enough. In hindsight.

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He’s right. I’m about Samm’s age. Trigger locks were rare when we were growing up. Local-level trigger lock laws didn’t start until the late 1970s. Gun safes? Rare. Guns were kept in drawers, on racks, on closet shelves, in kitchen cabinets.

It’s not about an individual’s upbringing. It’s just how it was back then.

Now, most any parent will keep guns safely locked away from kids’ access. Societal norms dictate that those parents who do no do so are irresponsible, and if their irresponsibility allows a kid to access and fire a gun (whether an accidental firing or deliberate), it will likely result in charges against them. A google search will bring up countless news articles about such incidents.


And gaming is just one facet of the current culture of death.

Just one example…But back to the topic of this thread

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It is highly unlikely. Of course that may be changing.

You seem to have an issue with assuming. Read, don’t read into. I have no doubt you spent two years in Germany. I have no doubt it is irrelevant to that appeal to authority.

Living with BEQ and Sep Rats is not living on the economy. And let’s not pretend junior enlisted don’t clump up in housing designed for them.

This is a key point.

We just had a mass killing via a car just a few weeks ago. That story has evaporated from media coverage. It doesn’t fit the anti-gun narrative. A guy (parolee, no less) in NYC just went on a knife-stabbing spree. But not with a gun, so no coverage.

People with evil intents are out there. It’s the driving force behind these incidents. Not the guns themselves.


I think the point that remains to be seen is whether or not the parents actually armed the kid.

Currently what has been presented in the media points to that conclusion. But that’s merely the media version. It may or may not be accurate.

I disagree it got “no coverage”.

There is a lot about this shooting case that appeals to emotion. And the prosecutor is using it to every advantage.

Fair point, but there is one problem; reportedly the killer posted a picture of the arm with “my Christmas present” and I believe the mother might have from the range as well.

In my opinion, if they led a 15 year-old boy to believe it was his, he was the owner; they did in effect arm him. If they relied on a 15 year-old’s self-control as a safety measure, well…

It wouldn’t surprise me if they allowed him to keep it in his room.


Oh it got coverage, it’s where I learned a car had a bad accident at a parade after all.


They did indeed try to spin it.


Relatively no coverage. (Relative to the Michigan shooting, for example.)

I’m helping you support your point. No need to disagree with every post on here. (Every – another colloquialism.)

Again, going to have to disagree. Of course the media agenda is obvious.

You do? Compare it to the coverage of the Charlottesville driver.

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But, as you said earlier, (and with which I was agreeing), it remains to be seen.

He’s on a “disagree with everything – even posts that are agreeing with one of his previous posts” bender. :man_shrugging:

Christmas parade vs Political rally. Wisconsin vs Down the road from DC. White supremacist vs Oppressed minority.

I see the agenda, but they were covered.

“He”, tsk, tsk.

I’m not on a team.

Agreed. Hence “if”