Mexican President Wants F&F Investigation

here’s another “tidbit” your liberal masters won’t tell you.

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No apology no way none needed
■■■■ AMLO and all the other corrupt Mexican administrations before him.
The audacity of whoever thought this up in his administration is only out done by his stupidity to actually think that it could happen.

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Hence personnel …plural.

An August 2006 briefing memo on Wide Receiver, which was conducted from 2006 to 2007, shows that “there is currently sufficient documentation to conclude” a criminal case from the investigation.

In addition, the memo suggests that it was “highly unlikely,” due to the limited recovery of firearms, that weapons had not already entered gun trafficking conduits to Mexico.


DOJ releases gun-operation records

Documents on the Bush-era program suggest the ATF was aware guns were likely getting to Mexico

Guns got into Mexico…Just that none of them were proven to be involved in any killings. So Bush gets a pass…

pssst… that would be why they ended it in 2007. Their attempts to trace the weapons failed.

your liberal masters also missed this tidbit

Why would Bush need to apologize to mexico for an operation they were involved in?

AMLO needs something to prove he’s doing something about the unchecked violence in his country and his cartel masters have pointed him in the direction of, who else, but the US.
■■■■ him and double ■■■■ them!

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Operation Wide Receiver was under Bush and it was shut down as soon as they figured out some of the guns were actually making it across the border due to malfeasance by some of the agents involved.

Holder and Obama intentionally violated both US/State laws and Mexican law resulting in countless injuries and deaths including the death of a US Border Patrol agent.

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It was no less irresponsible and reckless when Bush did it than when Obama did it.

didn’t do the same thing. what happened under Bush was questionable, but was a classic sting operation. technology involved was easily defeated and the operation was stopped.

what was done under the Obamassiah was insane

The results indicate otherwise.

Obama ran it longer, so yeah, that’s worse. It was still absolutely NUTS on the part of both admins.

Got personnel killed as well.

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Obama should be tried for war crimes if not for this for training ISIS.

funny to see conservatives caring what mexico’s president thinks…

until now, this concern was noticeably lacking…

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Except that Bush didn’t do it.

Did both operations allow for straw purchasers to buy guns? Yes, but… the primary difference between Operation Fast and Furious under Obama and Operation Wide Receiver under Bush is that under Obama guns were allowed to go back into Mexico without interdiction or arrests. The “same tactic” was not used under President Bush. Project Gunrunner, started as a pilot program in Laredo, Texas, of which Operation Wide Receiver was a part, involved straw purchasers buying weapons, but those purchasers were immediately apprehended before crossing back into Mexico or transferring arms to dangerous criminals. In fact, straw purchaser arrests and prosecutions have been way down under Obama’s administration, so much so it’s almost as if the Obama Justice Department has no interest in prosecuting illegal straw purchasers at all.

… .
Unlike the Obama Administration’s Fast and Furious operation, there actually was an attempt made to track the Operation Wide Receiver weapons. But in the case of Fast and Furious, there was absolutely no effort to track guns. ATF agents have testified they were expressly ordered to stand down when they tried to follow the cartel straw purchasers. Operation Wide Receiver was shut down after its weapons dropped off the grid, and the ATF realized it had blundered. Operation Fast and Furious was shut down because two of its weapons were discovered at the scene of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder.

Maybe they’ll name names.

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Don’t expect anything from our side. F&F was about creating a narrative that legal US gun dealers were making irresponsible gun sales and flooding Mexico with weapons. It was supposed to provide a reason for more gun control.

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