Mental Health Services in the US

Indeed, it’s a genuine crisis.

Frankly, the entire system was savaged by federal, state and local, corrupt politicians, unions and lobbyists, who wanted more money for their own pockets. Hidden agendas. Kick-backs. Extra-constitutional powers and ambitions.

It is not “mostly effective”. Our MO here for all medicine is to either prescribe a drug or start cutting.

Drugs do not treat psychological issues, they mask symptoms, giving the appearance of normality.

Who would run them?

That’s not what we do here.

Umm no, I don’t think so. Much of mental illness is a result of chemical imbalance and drugs are proven to be an effective treatment for them.

Horse feathers.

I’ve never been able to talk to a shrink without them trying to prescribe me a highly addictive psych med. They are drug peddlers, first and foremost.


That’s what we do here. Our doctors create addictions and epidemics

Like all drug addictions, what they prescribe only ends up making you not feel like ■■■■ while you’re on them, as opposed to severe withdrawal symptoms from not taking them once the addiction kicks in.

Still feeling like ■■■■ after we got you addicted? Here, add this addictive drug on top of that. It should “level” you out… for a while.

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I believe the term used is to manage, not cure.

But even “management” may go be too far, too much to claim.

Even as I type this I’m feeding my handicapped sister breakfast — peanut butter and banana sandwich with hot chocolate — but also with it I’ve given her, as we’ve done since she was maybe 2, “medicine” to control seizures associated with her cerebral palsy. I’m not sure if doctors today really know how the stuff works, they certainly didn’t 45 years ago, just as they are probably guessing at what most anything is actually doing in a body based on what it seems to have done for others … and that’s when there have been successful trials. Yet I’m left to consider what all has actually been done to her through the years, what drugs to manage one thing have taken from her.

If someone wants a cure go to the Lord, not to men.

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People with medical backgrounds that are on board with the Patients Bill of Rights.

You asked what we should do.

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No, public or private?


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I don’t think they can be private.

We had public.

And nobody questioned them for a very long time. That can’t happen again, hence the patient’s bill of rights.

Posted in every facility

What good will that do?

It’s not 1965. There is widespread awareness about the horrific conditions in so many mental institutions of the past. The only way society will let this happen is with widespread guarantees that patients will be treated well and humanely. A well written patient’s bill of rights that virtually everyone is familiar with would go a long way to that end.

I’m well aware that most of the abuses in the past were already illegal and that this is largely symbolic to already existing laws, but with specifics people can easily refer to, it would be a good enforcement too. With harsh penalties.