Megachurch pastor cast out ‘demonic networks’ at the White House and said Trump is carrying out an ‘assignment’ from God

I also believe that so many use their “faith” as a cudgel to justify their prejudices and rationalization for mistreatment of others. For people who believe in a book that says “Judge not lest ye be judged” they certainly happily judge the ■■■■ out of people.

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Yes, just like the Blues brothers… Trump is on a mission from God. But then aren’t we all.

The public knows everything and then some about President Trump already. The guy has had the FBI and CIA up his nose for two years and an angry lying media to boot and and all they ever found was a tape of him talking dirty…lol!

Looks like lots of foreign intel agencies were going after Trump too… It’s a lot like believing there some smoking gun redacted in the Mueller report.

Donald Trump urges Americans to forget about Hillary Clinton | World | News | ‘’

I have to admit I got a little choked up there. What a moving testament to the power of redemption and forgiveness.

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I hope you know Dr. Dobson had to walk this back, right?

What did Dobson say to “walk that back”? Link please.

In what way did he “walk that back”? Link please?

He said in another interview a couple days later, that he wasn’t sure. Then he followed up weeks later by saying, oh he’s a baby in Christ. Dr. Dobson was accused by many Christians that he was attempting to make Trump presentable to evangelical voters.

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Very, very true.

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What I find hypocritical in all of this is the Christian test that conservatives have been applying to these presidential candidates in the 2000, 2004, 2008 and to small degree 2012 elections, but silent in 2016 up to now. I will admit I fell for the banana in the tail pipe in 2000 and 2004. Shame on me.
Being against abortion DOES NOT SAVE YOU.

Now let me address the true ELEPHANT in this room since we talking about faith…
What makes 45’s salvation status more acceptable than 44’s? What is the difference between Paula White leading 45 to Christ and Jeremiah Wright leading 44 to Christ? Paula White is a known heretic of the faith being a preacher of the prosperity gospel, but according to many of you Jeremiah Wright is too because of so-called liberation theology.

I know the difference…

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A lot of Trump supporters avoid the issue of whether Donald’s a Christian and instead downshift to some variation of “he’s not a good man but he’s doing the Lord’s work.”

True, but is he really doing the Lord’s work? Where is God in all of this?

Innocent babies are being saved, we can say Merry Christmas again, the LGBTQ community is no longer given free rein to force godly people to accept their sinful ways, Christians are no longer treated like second class citizens, bakers don’t have to make perverted cakes.

I’m sure I missed something in all that.

I think you covered everything.

Fewer regulations on corporations and industry, because nothing’s more godly.

You can be a genuine Christian and follow a version of prosperity doctrine. Incorrect doctrine on some points does not disquailify saving faith. Likewise, holding to some version of liberation theology does not necessarily negate one’s Christianity. We are being led into all truth. We are not born again knowing all truth.

God is light. POTUS is bringing much darkness in Washington DC to light, and the cockroaches are scurrying to avoid detection. That much is God’s work. He is also trying to arrest the spread of human trafficking and paedophilia. I think we can all agree that these two scourges need to be eradicated.

WOW! You really believe this in your heart of hearts don’t you?
God bless ya…

It’s all QAnon ■■■■■■■■■