MEDIA AMNESIA: The Media’s BLATANT Double Standard on ‘Lying to Congress’ EXPOSED | Sean Hannity

The destroy-Trump media was thrown into full-fledged meltdown mode Thursday after the President’s former attorney pleaded guilty of lying to Congress; conveniently ignoring countless examples of leading liberal politicians committing the same offense.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Let’s be honest, James Comey lied about too many things! He wasn’t at all worthy of being the FBI Director just like Loretta Lynch wasn’t worthy of being the Attorney General! She lied for Clinton because she was promised a seat on the Supreme Court after the election that Clinton was so positive she would win. And I’m so glad she didn’t!!

As correct as you are, I’m still hung up on the Susan Rice explanation of the Benghazi deaths of 4 Americans. She had the talking points ready and she claimed they were from her DOJ as served by the CIA. America was to blame due to an obscure video by a totally unknown producer which nobody saw. If her talking points came from our intelligence services do we not at that point have enough evidence of the executive (CIA) branch working for the Obama administration. Did that not continue with the production of the FISA warrant. This swamp smells a lot like Brenan.
The explanation from the Obama administration could not be given by Obama, Hillary or even his press secretary. It had to somebody expendable. They expected that it would be challenged but hoped that the nation was stupid enough to buy it. They have their press to push it.
Russian collusion with a candidate, (and Trump is innocent anyway) can’t hurt me or our Democracy, but collusion with our security agencies by a sitting government sure can and did.

The fbi and the justice department have destroyed any faith in justice in america! And instead of trying to clean it up they do there corrupt bs in our faces. Luaghing knowing americans will do nothing about it. And until americans stand up and do something it will never ever change!! People need to stand up and demand change. But we all know americans will put there heads in the sand and let them walk all over them. Becuase the like being screwd. Hard

Sean, No one is conveniently forgetting the times when “the other side” hasn’t acknowledged everything they have lied about. Hypocrisy also lies heavily with conservatives & Fox evening hosts as they have forgotten the hateful & deplorable things that were said about Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, “good people on both sides,” the pizza parlor, the excuses for Roy Moore, excuses for Brett Kavanaugh’s proven lies, etc., etc! Just sayin’.

I am tempted to say that Hillary Clinton could not have withstood the scrutiny the President and his followers have undertaken. But the opposition will say that she faced hours of examination over Benghazi and came through unscathed. Can someone offer an explanation as to how she managed it.

Perhaps because it was the truth???

Ernie – They are all a giant spider web. Every point of connection in the web is an obama administration criminal co-conspirator. If Clinton won the Presidency they all would be safe from investigations that would lead to their prosecution. Everyone needs to be investigated separately at the same time. The first one to squeal with factual evidence resulting in a conviction usually gets some time off of their sentence for each charge that sticks. This offer though does not have to be given to the first necessarily. Mueller himself needs to be investigated also since his connection dot is somewhere on the obama administration spider web.
In consolation, the FBI, IRS and ? - forgot who - are investigating H. Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The IRS obviously is looking into the money trail. Perhaps you’ll recall that the money trail is how the Treasury Agent team Lead by Treasury Agent Elliot Ness brought down bootleg gangster Al Capone. One of the ‘Untouchable’ Agents was a finance guru who made the paper trail work. Perhaps that can happen again in the Clinton case. I hope so. It’ll be a start to bring these traitors to justice. ALL of them!

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And now James Comey is trying not to go before a hearing where he will be asked questions that he doesn’t want to answer! He is so guilty and he knows he will be prosecuted. Let these games begin!

I’m sorry I can’t recall how many times 60???70 times. How about "I didn’t have sex with that woman?’ and the attack dog, Hillary. oh how we forget. Or maybe we want to. She never plead the 5th…only I’m sorry I can’t recall…

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The Clinton “Real” Foundation

This is what the “Mueller probe” really is.

From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been em-paneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”. Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Guess who took over this investigation in 2002? None other than James Comey. Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? Lois Lerner. This is all just a series of strange coincidences, right? Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005? None other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein. You Demoncrats are getting very quiet suddenly? Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame? Robert Mueller. What do all four casting characters have in common? They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation. Fast forward to 2009. James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go to Lockheed Martin. Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, with her own personal email server. The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of the Hillary. She decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no one other than, the Russians!! You would think that this is a fairly straight up deal, except it wasn’t, the American people got absolutely nothing out of it. However, prior to the sales approval, no one other than Arkansas Bill goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours. The FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme. Guess who was the FBI Director at this time? Robert Mueller. He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009. Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland? Rod Rosenstein. Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved? ~145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal. Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division? None other than, Lois Lerner. Fast forward to 2015. Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server. He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law. He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email. Guess who became FBI Director in 2013? Guess who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer. No one other than James Comey. Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner matter at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerates her. Nope, couldn’t find any crimes there. Can you guess what happened next? In April 2016, James Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy. They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury. Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true he is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 8th of 2016, and exonerates Hillary from any wrongdoing. Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues. FISA Abuse, political espionage…… pick a crime, any crime, chances are…… this group and a few others did it. All the same players. All compromised and conflicted. All connected in one way or another to the Clinton’s.

As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

He’s not trying to get out of testifying. He wants it to be open, and in front of the public! An agreement was made this morning with Republicans to do that, with some limitations. He’s only guilty because Hannity told you he was. Hannity has no more moral integrity than Trump!! Try fact checking sometime to know what the actual facts are!!

You’ve lost your mind!!!

Ditto, right back atcha, Sean!!! You should remember that one fine day you will be held accountable for the lies you have spread throughout the Obama administration & the false reality you’re spewing every evening now!!

God dam that just explained it all. And the only one to make sense of any of this. Now just if somebody would let this out to america maybe something would be done