Meanwhile Biden lies

So now everyone goes to lie. Yeah! :roll_eyes:

Ashlee Babbitt?

No. Republicans essentially endorsed lying and conspiracy talk for 4 years. Their opinion now when politicians lie is worth nothing. Zero. Zilch.


Still worth as much as yours, same voting power.


Sure thing. But that vote becomes less and less relevant when all your candidates devolve into worthless, conspiracy believing, MAGA dittoheads who are cast from the mold of our dear lord and savior Donald Trump. Vote away!

At least they are working for Americans.


IOW…sheople gotta eat and regurgibleat the nonsense they were fed.

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Real Americans no less.

Ya mean that Russian one that you personally ate and regurgibleated for almost 3?


Correct, real Americans who believe in the rule of law and the constitution as written and intended.


Nope. I mean literally everything that came out of Trump’s mouth.

Yeah…that liar told the same lie about moving our embassy to Jerusalem that Obama, Bush and Clinton told. He even told a lie about strengthening our southern border! You know, the one that Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Reagan told.

What you’re doing right now…is simply regurgibleating what you’ve been fed. Just stop…open your eyes…open your ears…and think for yourself.


Correction. Some Americans.


Actually Biden’s move to bring the USA back into the Paris accord has a positive impact that has forced the Australian government to change its attitude on the need for climate change action.

The trump campaign officials meet with Russians.

I know,I know don’t confuse you with facts.



That was covered up by the trump lie about it being about adoptions. Lol


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Trump isn’t living in the White House anymore. Biden and company are running a train wreck of a presidency and the same leftists who crucified Trump for every breath don’t seem to care.

Trump lied all the time was a lib narrative. Promoted by the people who tried to tell us daily that Trump was a Russian spy and that Kavanaugh was a rapist…which actually were real lies. The Washington Post, which ran a countdown of alleged Trump lies if I remember right…just ran a major retraction for its own lies about Trump.

Was Trump a saint…No

Was he anywhere near as bad as leftists tried to make him out to be. No. He actually ran a presidency with some significant policy successes…many of which were reversed almost immediately by Biden…(20+ states are suing over that stupid keystone pipeline decision). Biden’s current mismanagement of the southern border is nothing short of criminal IMHO…


Paris accord is worthless. Countries set their own goals with no enforcement mechanism. Why do they need an accord to do that again?


Democrats are no longer allowed to say lying by politicians is acceptable after spending four years calling out lying about things like who had the most people at their inauguration.


Are you going to endorse it for 4 years?