McConnell - no stimulus

There is no green jobs boom, and most people would prefer to not have rolling blackouts thanks to the unreliability of renewable energy.


not on pelosi’s priorities

we tried that… solindra ring a bell?

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Nothing should be going to illegals.


Didn’t most of the companies do very well? Solyndra failed, sure. I can find dozens of oil companies that have failed in the last few years.

Companies fail all the time, it doesn’t mean all will in that industry. The big oil companies are starting to invest in the alt energy industry. I assure you, it isn’t window dressing.

There were more than Solyndra. Obama and Biden threw $100 billion at green energy already with failed results. Biden will double down on said failure.

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Germany is failing and they have a LOT more resolve than we do on this issue.

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no, they did not.

I think your estimate of illegals (undocumented or otherwise) in this country might be a little high. Should the Dims take the WH and God forbid the Senate, your 22 mil number would get real real quick!
Can’t seem to understand how the Dims think it a good idea to extend social benefits to a large population of people who never contribute into the system.

Because the endgame is mass legalization and a new permanent Democratic voting block. They don’t care if the middle class is demolished or if wages are depressed.

How so? We have a solar plant under construction right now. 200 workers for 3 months then they will all be laid off. Once it’s up and running, the company expect 2 full time employee’s to watch and clean the pannels. That’s a LOT of permanet people isn’t it. Same held true for a solar farm south of here. they had 200 people for construction, and they have 3 employee’s. Once our’s is complete, the “3rd” person at the one south of here, will travel between the two sites.

Taxpayers. People rack up bills of hundreds of thousands of dollars at emergency rooms. I’m not suggesting anything, just kinda thinking out loud as it were.

That low-maintenance power generation, along with all the auxillary industries that come with it, is exactly what the rest of the planet will be falling over themselves to buy from us–if we take the lead on producing it.


Then on what?

The Senate GOP is at 500B, House Ds are at…2T? I forget… And that’s too much pork right?

Trump is at >2T! What would it contain?

This is absolutely correct. Get ready for the debt to become a thing again. LOL.


Trump wants a check in everyone’s pocket with his signature on it. Mitch says ‘no’.

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By the end of Obama’s presidency, the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program had taken in $30 million more in interest payments than it had lost from defaults.


Obama and Biden promised “Five million green jobs” that never happened. Democrats have gaslit the nation over green energy viability and lied about economic positives for the past 12 years, so why should we trust anything Biden promises on this topic?

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thats what we were told about obamacare.

these leftist programs never work


Mnuchin and Pelosi are doing the bargaining. McConnell is just the messenger.