McCarthy to target Rep Ilhan Omar to loose Committee Seat Assignment over Antisemitism

Here we go. The tit for tat will come hot and heavy. The problem when you make straight party moves is the other side is usually quick to pay you back when the shoe is on the other foot.

Kevin McCarthy says he will remove Ilhan Omar from committee assignment over ‘antisemitism’ when speaker

Excellent news.

I suspect this will happen whether McCarthy becomes the speaker, or not. It’s retaliation for the Dems taking away MTG’s committee assignments.


Certainly the precedent was set with Greene and with the Jan 6 committee. I can’t blame McCarthy for doing this, but my preference would have been to make a point of going back to the old rule where each caucus decides for each party.

One side’s pitcher goes high and inside, you know what is coming during the next at bat.

Oh, yes.

IMHO I don’t think that committee assignments get a lot of attention from the majority of voters.
However Republicans ran on bitching about inflation and that was a major consideration for voters in the mid-terms. And I don’t think the Republicans have any plan regarding inflation. But they do have a plan to investigate everything Biden. And if they only go that route I believe that it will backfire on them greatly.

I suspect their first plan is to limit government spending. And the only way they can do that is by not agreeing to things. Usually the mantra of obstruction beats them over the head, but the electorate isn’t normal right now, and neither are the Rs.

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Well. My hope is that it’s because she’s actually an anti-Semite.


It isn’t just republicans that want Biden investigated.

And an even higher number — 81% — said US Attorney General Merrick Garland should appoint a special counsel to investigate matters related to the first son’s infamous laptop


As of Jan 2021 there are/ is 37 Jewish members of Congress in the Senate and House combined.

My question is why hasn’t there been efforts by the Jewish caucuses to remove the racist anti-Semitic Ilhan Omar from committee in the past? Oh, that’s right, Dimbulbcrats tolerate racism and anti- Semitism. Omar has also been complicit in immigration law violations and campaign finance fraud. She should be removed from Congress in my opinion but perhaps that day of reckoning is coming.


Maybe because she’s not actually anti semitic?

I agree. But they don’t need one as long as they don’t have the Senate and White House, mostly the latter.

Congress has done an excellent job of shifting attention (and blame) to the office of President.

As far as investigation and backfire… hamster wheel.

She’s anti-Jew.


Party first.


We’re talking about this Ilhan Omar. Which one are you referring to?
Made it to a House Resolution too.
There’s more, but the Omar we’re talking about hates Jews.


lol… you go with that

Apparently the list is growing. It is now reported that McArthy also plans to take away the committee assignments of Rep Swalwell and Rep Schiff.

McCarthy vows to remove Swalwell, Schiff, Omar from House committees

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Probably not.

But even if they tried to do something, it wouldn’t be veto-proof anyway.

That’s the flip side of their lack of a veto-proof majority. They can just sit on government-growth initiatives, and just let the clock run out on them.