McCARTHY ON HANNITY: Adam Schiff is a Fact Witness and Cannot be a Prosecutor

Originally published at: McCARTHY ON HANNITY: Adam Schiff is a Fact Witness and Cannot be a Prosecutor | Sean Hannity

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stopped-by ‘Hannity’ Wednesday night to weigh-in on the Democrats’ latest impeachment push; saying Adam Schiff cannot be a prosecutor because he’s a “fact witness.”

“Now, they won’t bring the whistleblower forward… What is Adam Schiff trying to hide? Once again, he’s taking America through a nightmare because of his lies,” said McCarthy.

“We know there was contact with Schiff’s office, that would mean he’s compromised. How could anybody allow this man to run any investigation? He’s a fact witness,” added Hannity.

“He’s a fact witness. In our judicial system a fact witness cannot be a prosecutor,” said McCarthy.

Watch Rep. McCarthy on ‘Hannity’ above.