Maybe It's a Great Thing That tim walz Never Deployed to iraq Carrying Weapons of War

I don’t know what that means. (No need to explain it.) I’m not the one making assumptions about Walz’s hunting skills and history.


I didn’t make any assumptions, I watched him on video.

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And like any other “average guy”, he always brings a photographer along.


Looks like someone who hasn’t touched that shot gun in a long, long time. You would think if you are going to try to make a promo video, you would at least rehearse with the primary prop you plan to use in the video.


Here he is holding it last year, before you’d ever heard of him.

He’s a politician.

A shotgun and thee shotgun are not necessarily the same thing. And if it is the same gun, what does he do, touch it on weekend a year? I go to the range on a regular basis, to maintain my baseline skills when I fire. I don’t need to hesitate when I am handling any of my weapons. I fire each of them, including practicing reloading and engaging in the mode that the MP school called the “gun fight.” That video isn’t of someone who routinely handles that weapon.

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Did someone say it was? He’s the governor of Minnesota. Like a lot of people I know, he goes hunting once or twice a year.

You’d think some of these school shooters that he’s friends with would have taught him better skills ? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


But he’s mister everyone’s man, and a career veteran of the National Guard. A member of the profession of arms, a senior NCO, not just skilled with weapons, but able to train junior soldiers in how to handle maintain and accurately engage targets with all of the weapons systems of his unit. All I see again is a poser.


I don’t think anyone is voting or not voting for him based on his skill with firearms. And maybe hunting is nothing but a “promo” for him, as you put it. But if so he’s been doing it for a long time.

What it shows is that his image is as fake as sheets of 3 dollar bills off a laser printer. As long as no one looked at his story too closely, he’s Andy Griffith from Mayberry, but on closer examination, he’s actually Barney.


Not really.

There is no way he done lot of shooting…or hunting.


Ooh boy that’s so dark. My favorite kind of jokes.

Maybe they should, it would be interesting. Certainly cut Trump out.

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Nah, for real, guys, he’s butch as hell.


That’s exactly what Courtney Love wants you to think.


Thank you very much for that visual!