Mattis: Trump's troop pullout will lead to 'disarray' in Syria and Isis resurgence

You said ask anybody. I am one. If you think the amount of troops, armor, artillery and aircraft are equal to 50 troops in Syria you are nuts.

If the loss of 50 lives prevents the loss of hundreds or thousands, that’s a victory. If it prevents the return of ISIS, with who knows what kind of consequences, that’s a victory. If it prevents hundreds of thousands of displaced people, destroyed infrastructure and regional instability, that’s a victory.

A strong president would have told Turkey we’re going to keep our 50 troops where they are to protect our Kurdish allies and local civilians, and to prevent ISIS prisoners from escaping. He would have told Turkey if they decide to attack, there will be immediate consequences and followed through with the consequences. He would have told Turkey we will keep those troops in place as we continue to work toward an agreement for the region.

We have seen what a weak president does.

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Nope, am not. Just pointing out, if he wanted to deter Turkey he didn’t need to use the lives of US troops to do it.

I didn’t say that. Okay, tell the people how many pieces of artillery the North Koreans have aimed at the DMZ and what the likely result of using them would be then.

No, you just consistently come here to carry water for a guy you claim not to support. And you will be here tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year doing exactly the same thing.

Trump is not going to do a damned thing about the plight of the Kurds because he is a dangerous combination of ignorant, weak, easily manipulated, and sociopathic. They don’t personally benefit him, so he has no use for them. And as he has no use for them, he doesn’t care if their heads end up on spikes. Unfortunately for the Kurds, they don’t have a Trump Tower complex they can point to when they want to get the man’s attention.


There are no consequences. There will be none. Donald Trump doesn’t care. Neither do his supporters. His inaction is going to lose him zero votes.

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I haven’t commented on that so why asking me? But for the record I was against going into Syria, it was of the very few times I agreed with Obama. One of the reasons was because I believed we would abandon the Kurds again like before.

You were right!

Keeping the fifty troops, uneccesary. As in, not needed to communicate resolve to act or to act. I won’t condone using them to sway public opinion to give a President political cover to act in the nations best interests and that’s what they were there for.

Worse example of an armchair quarterback. I have very little expertise in military strategy, but even I get this.

It seems some people really do want another World war of some type.

And if cost is going to come into play…these types of actions, have so far, been a pretty good ROI.

I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to hear them that Trump has been trying to remove the soldiers in Korea since like day one of his presidency and his own administration was so concerned they kept pulling out the laser pointer to distract him into chasing it around the room.

…while not thinking the act was completely transparent

Our nation’s best interest was in preventing what is happening right now. This all began immediately after those troops left. This isn’t about swaying public opinion, it’s about making sure a dictator knows beyond any doubt that if he decides to act, he will be acting directly against the US. Threats of consequences do not carry the same weight.

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this is going to help!

trump showing how afraid of turkey he is.

You have short memory this morning? that is exactly what you said

Because you said you were there for two years, so I assume you have some knowledge and an opinion. And this is a discussion board.

I agree. I was against going into Iraq, but once we did, we had a responsibility to the country, and I disagreed with Obama’s decision to leave when we did. I see this situation the same way.

blind squirrel

To be clear, I have no real moral compunction against this, we’ve betrayed local allies dozens of times just since WW2. What irritates me is that we didn’t do it for a reason. There was nothing serving the national interest here, Turkey got what they wanted and we got. . .nothing.

What were the troops if not a threat? If you kill these troops there will be consequences. Not necessary and disregards their lives. If you attack the Kurds, there will be consequences, follow up on it. Done.

I was pointing out that the soldiers in the DMZ serve the same purpose, essentially human shields.