Mathematician says End of election night mathematically impossible

They along with former AG Barr are correct. There were also isolated cases of voter fraud during the 2012 and 2016 Presidential elections. But there wasn’t enough cases of voter fraud during the 2012 and 2016 Presidential elections to have changed the outcome from those two Presidential elections.

How would you determine that?

Don’t worry, it’s all gonna come out in the sunlight eventually.

Agreed. Well struck, peek.

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So turns out OAN’s “expert mathematician” was actually a drug-dealing swing set installer

If this sounds suspiciously vague for a mathematician, that’s because Solomon is not actually a mathematician, according to a lawsuit voting machine company Dominion filed against OAN for knowingly reporting defamatory claims against the company in the wake of Trump’s loss. In fact, according to the lawsuit, Solomon is a convicted drug dealer and “was working as an ‘installer’ at a swing set construction company in Long Island” at the time of the interview.


What’s your point??

He was not a mathematician, as OAN falsely claimed, which would explain why his “findings” were quickly debunked.

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I interpreted “what’s your point” to mean “he was saying what I wanted to hear, who cares if he wasn’t a mathematician, or that he’s a convicted drug dealer.” Maybe I’m mistaken.

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This thread is amazing.

Dominion could submit this thread as evidence.


What a fun update.

Is anyone surprised? Well, conservatives probably are. :joy::joy:

Do you mean this popular cable TV pundit?


This guy is obviously real life Good Will Hunting.

“I got tha real election numbas. How do ya like dem apples”



Not enough republicans believe that statement.
good on you for stating the truth.



I’m not stating truth or facts. I’m simply stating my opinion, as is everyone else on this forum.

Can you imagine what you would do—in reality, not in a 1970s paranoid-thriller move—if someone gave you clear and indisputable proof of a world-historical event, like Lindell is claiming. Let’s say it was in a language you didn’t understand.

Well, you’d probably have it translated by credible experts and turn it over to the authorities. You probably wouldn’t submit plain, misleading gibberish to the media; string out the process endlessly; make people attend or watch some symposium where you teased and hedged and tried to sell pillows.


I’d do what any modern day millennial would do…


In my best Trevor Aronson voice)

What if…it turns out…that Agent Johnson…wasn’t as he seems, and that everything we thought we knew…was a lie.

Find out, on next week’s episode, of Chad Thunder, Down Under (insert mysterious and vaguely Dexterish theme music)


We dont declare Trump the winner over those questionable states / cities that changed the rules without proper authority. We just shouldnt count any of their votes at all. Then, who ever is the winner with out counting those votes becomes the president.

By not counting their votes, we accomplish a great deal. No one will ever attempt to change the rules again without going through the proper procedures, and people have confidence in the elections.

You’re exactly right! LOL

<Cue Radiolab sound effects>

At some point, we’d use the theme song from Curb Your Enthusiasm for comic effect.

I’ll buy all the podcast tech gear we need.

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He’s tried to present the evidence but he’s been thwarted by the snake media, Republican election officials, judges, and Fox News, just to name a few. He was forced to gather a crack (no pun intended) team of cyberguys to crack (no pun intended) open the case on his own.

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