They all get thrown under the Trump bus. Fauci’s should never have been given complete control to lead America, but you put a rational, educated man in front our childish 64 year old President and the intelligence vacuum will subjugate the weaker of the two.
He did not wear a mask until July. I have been wearing a mask in stores since March.
No, they didn’t. Trump made it political when he came out and said he was not wearing a mask himself.
While it was a mistake to say that, there was also a mask shortage. Do you remember the hoarders? People buying hundreds of masks to resell.
I am pretty lenient when it comes to decisions politicians make, especially when they are made without complete information. Trump sucks at making decisions. The easiest decisions he could have made were to adopt mask wearing in late March when it became APPARENT that masks were the way to go. He could have made this a rallying cry for his re-election, but played politics with people’s lives.
He lost when he chose to rally around some vague notion of “freedom” instead of asking for the nation to sacrifice for the greater good of its elderly citizens.
He did not politicized masks.
He always weared a mask, advised to wear masks, never questioned mask usage and never mocked mask wearers.
He never downplayed the virus, even when people were dying of it.
He always listens to scientists and has a deep love for science and knowledge.
He is an excellent listener, the best.
He never lies.
He is the most honest POTUS.
maybe you need roll models, i don’t. i need only information to make my decision, which i had in march. been wearing a mask ever since. i’m also smart enough to realize that masks are only required when social distancing is not possible, which is why the president most of the time, didn’t need to wear one. he did get covid, had little to do with wearing a mask since we know masks don’t prevent you from getting covid and 70-75% of all new covid cases are people who do wear them. they do help to prevent spreading it.