People from cultures that have no interest in assimilating into the culture of another country have no business moving there. Particularly when their culture is the antithesis of those countries. What they are doing is an invasion, not immigration.
Well… seeing as a bunch of them were fleeing the British starving them to death in the name of the free market… it wasn’t for the lack of the will to work and provide for themselves that they came here but the capacity to do so was taken from them.
They still were offered a thing that that they could not get anywhere else… free land.
No it’s not. Perhaps many Americans with English heritage did, at the time the Irish immigration was in full swing, the country was full of people who were not English.
No it wasn’t. The prejudice by English American against the Irish was no different than their prejudice against the Italians (the actual Papists) the Germans (the Huns) or the Scandinavians (stupid barbarians.)
This thread is about the Irish which is why I brought it up.
I do find it funny that old attitudes about foreigners immigrating here that persist to this day is somehow making a point about the same attitudes today.
No it’s not. It’s about the impact of immigrants in the UK … and by similar experience, it’s about immigration in all of Northwestern Europe. Immigration from Muslim majority countries is tearing the social fabric of western Europe apart.
Jessica Vaughan, author of the report for the Center for Immigration Studies, says the state is destined for bankruptcy. That’s because migrants will drain state coffers of a staggering $1.8 trillion over the next two years. Even though some non-legal migrants will work and pay taxes, this revenue will not come close to the cost of social services for all 355 million of them, says Vaughan.
Where’s all the benefits that libs speak of from all the mass migration?
There aren’t any benefits. Until they get to VOTE.
18 Million came this time and we had 30 + Millions as it is.
Half of them at least are on the Gov. hand outs.
[USA Debt is going to be 40 Trillions…[with a T]…if Kamala gets in. The interest for that Debt is unsustainable].
The other half works under the table and sends the money to the old country.
That equals to a highway robbery.
That’s unsustainable.
So forget what Kamala has to offer, think the Finnancial health of USA.
These are not the times to cozy to certain Demographics, this is life and death of a Nation we’re dealing with.
When the bottom falls out it will NOT matter WHO is in the WH.
The Elite will hit the road with their safety deposit boxes in hand, the Chinese will move into their properties across America, the poor will jump the WH gates with their hands out and American working stiff will be left holding the bag, paying a wheel-barrel-of paper money for a loaf of bread.
We escaped learning to speak German but will now speak Chinese.
Gov. is in charge of WHO is in the country, Gov. needs to KNOW WHO is legal and who is NOT. Gov. puts up or tears down the border wall.
Immigration is THEIR responsibility.
It is not a job of a bussiness to police the people.
Give them also proof of citizenship card to VOTE.
THAT is also Gov. job.
All immigration should be legal. Once that is established it is reasonable to discuss what vetting requirements should be established and the quantity allowed. That discussion is sort of irrelevant until you establish that legal immigration is the only acceptable immigration.