Mass migration in the UK (and elsewhere) has not been the utopian dream that the liberals promised

The 17 year old arrested was born in the UK. His parents are from Rwanda.

Horrible crime, so sad.

It’s titled “the UK and elsewhere”. For example let’s look at Sweden:

In a recent book, Mass Challenge: The Socioeconomic Impact of Migration to a Scandinavian Welfare State, Tino Sanandaji, an economist of Kurdish origin who has become a leading critic of Sweden’s migration policies, writes “foreign-born represent 53 percent of individuals with long prison sentences, 58 percent of the unemployed, and receive 65 percent of social welfare expenditures; 77 percent of Sweden’s child poverty is present in households with a foreign background, while 90 percent of suspects in public shootings have immigrant backgrounds.” Figures like these have become widely known; the number of Swedes who favor increased migration has dropped from 58 percent in 2015 to 40 percent today.

A business has no say in WHO the Gov. lets in and WHY should a business police who is in the country.
This is sooooooo simple.
Of course, if you want to derail the responsibility to someone else…then, yeah, wouldn’t be first time.

Is “immigration” so sacrosanct that you believe NO ONE has a right to protest it? If not, who does have a “right” to protest “immigration”, especially considering the increasing negative results from it?

Canada has long been pro-immigration — so proudly so that harsh talk about limiting immigrant numbers has been a nonstarter for the public and politicians alike. That is changing.

A recent Leger poll found that 65% of Canadians believe the government has set immigration targets too high and will admit “too many” immigrants under its current plan. More than 75% say the number of newcomers is raising the cost of housing and health care, at 78% and 76%, respectively. And a June poll by Research Co. found that 44% of Canadians viewed immigration negatively — a 6% increase from last October — with nearly half wanting fewer immigrants.

Now, thanks to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s aggressive immigration plan — with rates that have outpaced housing starts, doctor availability, and job growth — the decades-old consensus is starting to fray, and American politics and policy may exacerbate the matter.

And keep in mind, the recent immigrants to Canada are reflected in those percentages of people who expressed unfavorable opinions on immigration. In other words, it’s worse there than the numbers indicate.

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…and Canada.

They imported emigrants to reach 22 Million of citizens and be able to completely say Good Bye to English crown.
If they stopped then would be ok but they didn’t.
Now they have same problems Sweeden and most of Western Europe has.
Except Switzerland and Luxenburg. They’re smart. Small but smart.

Isn’t it interesting that central and eastern Europe looks at western Europe and says we don’t want to do that. They would rather pay fines to the EU than take them in.

Nothing silly about it.

Once you erase national identity, remove pride of ownership, respect and power for an individual, and you then install one-fits-all way of life, you remove resistance to the change and turn the people into sheep you can control and exploit.

That’s how Marxist operate. First thing they do after they accomplish that is to build a wall so you CAN’T escape.

Next is to kill the Western way of life because in the West the rights of an individual are priority. So they flood the stupid in the West.
Mass Migration was fine when America needed people to pioneer the empty lands but those days are OVER.
Those Migrants came to nothing and created from scratch.
Today you want Migrants to come empty handed to my home while YOU keep a lock on your door.
If I were of that kind of belief I’d feel prety stupid now.


Absolutely !
Individual rights, pride of ownership, enjoy your culture and own way of life…
Help others if you can, but voluntarely.
Kamala is against ALL of that and she is suposedly in a thight race???
WHAT happened to America ???

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I believe they DO understand it.
They just ignore it because the END justifyes the means.
It’s done by design for the end result.
Does not matter how they get there.

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It’s all for One World Order.
That FIRST started with Germany. Since people would as expected resist that massive change and inflax of poor from differnet countries they started with Germany.
Because of what Nazzis did Germany was eager to please and play nice so they agreed.
After that Sweeden and other countries just followed and agreed too.
You tell me…WHAT if anything those countries GAINED by the whole scheme? ANYTHING.
Just trouble. Lower standard of life, rising crime and local resentment.
After that the focus shifted to America.
Lo and Behold…Progressives were just to happy to oblige.
So Biden knowing he is on his last legs willingly open the gates and let Millions just waltz in. Like…the enemy of my enemy is my friend type of thing.
He beats Republicans and has a sure voting block for another 200 years…just like Lyndon Johnson did with Welfare and Blacks.

And Obama also did with putting Millions on SS Disability to fix his Unemployment and powerty problem and prevent people from dying hungry.

Ukraine is a separate thing at this time.
That’s very generous of your people.

Welcome to the group here my dear.
I’d love to visit Ireland, I just love the Irish musik dance and the country side.
I often travel through Dublin on my way to Montenegro and love to sit and listen to musik. Used to travel Air Lingus and the Irish butter and coffee and cheese…Oh my… I just remmember so fondly.
I still order wool for knitting fro Dublin.
And the girls were so beautiful… :sweat_smile:

Where is this fear coming from? Who is teaching you that the goal is to eliminate national identity?

What is your national identity?

Hispanics often vote gop after the first generation. Look at how many Hispanic votes President Trump received and then try this again.

Uncontrolled refugee migration is always going to cause problems. Nobody is disputing that.

No it didn’t. Illegal immigration’s didn’t stop during the Syrian refugee crisis.

Also it’s interesting that you are concentrating on the Syrians and North Africans but not Ukrainians not the Jews. Not even yourself

Your Easten European culture is not American. And yet here you are. This country gained a lot of violence and fraud to the tune of millions of dollars by letting Eastern Europeans in. Educated Eastern Europeans.

This is made up nonsense


“Free” land. :rofl:

Gangs of New York! I saw that!

Of course everybody in that movie was a criminal, didn’t pay taxes and contributed nothing to society.

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Yes. The private sector should police immigration laws.

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