Mass migration in the UK (and elsewhere) has not been the utopian dream that the liberals promised

Don’t eat the pablum. It’s not good for you.

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There is nothing that needs to be done that cannot be done under current law.


Yep. It essentially set a quota for importing illegal immigrants.


Contrary to media reporting, everything is NOT about Trump.


As opposed to not setting a quota?

There should be no quota. The acceptable number of illegal immigrants is zero.


Doing nothing because you can’t be 100% successful is no excuse.

I didn’t say that illegal immigration would go to zero, I said the policy should be zero. It is the proposed policy to allow a quota that is objectionable.


I can understand why the dems want to try to walk back their involvement in this total ■■■■ bill after the trouncing they took but damn…that comment shows the absolute ignorance being swallowed by the absolute ignorant in regards to this bill.


Amen to that!

Total ignorance or trolling.

Probably trolling.

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The number one problem with this bill is that it does nothing to address the practice by migrants of using cartels to go country shopping in the US for all their asylum seeking needs.

Is that a no?


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The Hague is in Netherland.

If you don’t get it, just ask.

Ask? Why? You posted a link about the Netherlands.

If you meant something else, don’t be so cryptic.

There is no overall economic or social benefit to flooding one’s country with the world’s poverty! The only moron who push this utter ■■■■■■■■ is the American Left.

Adding more people to an economy will almost always make it larger, but that doesn’t mean it makes the people already here better off. Britain has a serious shortage of housing, congested infrastructure, and increasing conflict between communities with radically different visions of what the country should be.

Adding in large numbers of people from around the world does very little to improve any of this, and makes much of it actively worse. When national newspapers are running reports on the massive surges in investment needed just to keep pace with the influx of new arrivals, something has gone badly wrong. It’s hard not to think that Britain is following Canada into its third world-style population trap, where the cost of providing tools, housing and infrastructure for new arrivals has brought income growth to a halt.

Pretty much:

Soaring immigration levels have made it “impossible” for people to integrate into British society, a former Home Office minister has said.

Robert Jenrick claimed that a “naive” policy of mass migration was responsible for breeding Islamist extremism and anti-Semitism, while the police focused on threats from the far-Right instead.

Which has shown to have more negatives than positives. Australia is now joining in this chorus:

‘When we have a housing crisis, when we have a rental crisis, when people can’t get in to see a doctor,’ he said.

‘When we’ve seen cuts in our infrastructures, so the roads aren’t being built to deal with that population, that is too high.’

The member for the seat of Wannon said Australia needs ‘a proper plan when it comes to immigration and (to) set out what that should look like’.

‘(But) what we’ve seen from Labor is a complete mess when it comes to immigration, whether it be dealing with the detainees, whether it be this 1.6million people coming in without a plan, it’s a complete mess,’ he said.

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But we’ll get Norway (despite flooding the country with Venezuelans) 'cause we special.