Mass migration in the UK (and elsewhere) has not been the utopian dream that the liberals promised

That’s true.

They also stole, robbed, murdered, formed gangs and cartels.


There is one major difference between the mass of immigrants such as the Irish and what is happening now. It favors the Irish.

some did. so did some of all the others

should they all fling their borders wide open to the ■■■■ hole world too?

Some are now.

Should who fling their borders?

And worst of all … Became cops and often took over entire police departments.


In the english language its Irish.

In Gaelic it’s called Gaelic. :blush:

Nobody cares about the english.


Let me reword this by saying millions and millions of toothless, white, inbreed rednecks who are fundamentalist Christians and ardently pro life!

Now if that were the case you can garuntee that Democrats would be willing to fund multiple walls, significantly restrict, if not end asylum, have immediate deportations, and forbid immigration from such countries.


Irish could speak English. That helped them a ton in the early days.

These new guys barely speak creole level Spanish. Much less English.

I think that the difference between you and I is that I think that all people are worthy of kindness and respect unless they otherwise show that they aren’t.

By constructing a false dilemma where there is an attempt to cast me in just as ■■■■■■ of a light as the Nativists isn’t going to work.

This is an issue about resources and how they should be used to alleviate the cruelty and suffering that the border issue is causing not about some weirdo replacement theory nonsense.

But you do realize that by telling them their views are wrong without proving the case that they will only fight you harder, right?

People are genuinely scared and frightened. Something has to be done to placate their fears some.

It would be a lot easier if these people pouring in at least spoke English. That would do a ton of assuage some fears.

I have told people over and over why their views are wrong. It doesn’t matter.

You know history… you know how migrations tend to go as the first and second generations grow up in the adopted country. But still the falsehoods like the Irish assimilated easily because of some distorted view of history is still believed.

A novelist friend of mine, who is first generation Korean born in Queens, still gets the “where are you from from” question all of the time… her husband doesn’t because he is a white guy. In her last book she wrote about the concept of immigration as trauma. This was based on her family’s experience of leaving Korea and settling in the US. One of the things that I found out about her was that one of the paths that Koreans took was to go into South America first… settle there and eventually come up into the US. So she has a whole bunch of cousins whose parents were born in Chile. Migration is complicated.

I don’t give into the Nativist xenophobia because those people have been proven wrong over and over for almost a couple of centuries now.

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Typically speaking by the 3rd generation they’re no different from their native origin counterparts. They don’t even speak the language of their grandparents anymore.

Another friend of mine who is first generation Chinese grew up in Texas… lives in Maine now. When she spent a year in Taiwan on a Fulbright scholarship had a little but of a hard time because the Mandarin she knows is from her parents and all of the idioms are from the 70’s. It would be like someone using the word “Groovy” to us.

I think that it happens faster than third generation. Nearly all of the First Generation people I know or grew up with are very very American. They do have somewhat of a cultural identity with their parent’s heritage because it is impossible for them to not look like the “default” American… but for the most part they identify more with this country than the one that their parents came from.

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There’s got to be some of sort of middle ground that makes everyone happy. Just a manner of finding it.

I will say that the first generation Indians I know are mostly like what you described. Still clearly Indian, but they are very much Americans already.

I don’t know where a middle ground can exist if there is a group of people on one side who think that this is about replacing white people so there can be a One World Government.

How does one even begin to make compromises with that?

I agree. And anyone who circumvents the immigration process to come and take taxpayer money and run from what they voted for over and over has shown they aren’t.


It’s about replacing liberalism.

I have to admit I laughed. Don’t even need a wink, wink or a nudge, nudge.