Originally published at: MARK MEADOWS: DOJ ‘Well Aware’ Steele Dossier Was a Total ‘Lie’ BEFORE FISA Warrant | Sean Hannity
Rep. Mark Meadows weighed-in this week on the now-debunked ‘Steele Dossier’ and its shady origins; saying the FBI and DOJ were “well aware” that the information was a “lie” before they used the document to obtain FISA warrants against Trump campaign insiders.
“Officials at the FBI and (Department of Justice) DOJ were well aware the dossier was a lie — from very early on in the process all the way to when they made the conscious decision to include it in a FISA application,” said Meadows.
“The fact that Christopher Steele and his partisan research document were treated in any way seriously by our Intelligence Community leaders amounts to malpractice,” he added.
Meadow’s comments come hours after newly released documents show the DNC and Clinton campaign wanted Steele to release his ‘dossier’ before the 2016 election in an attempt to “air dirt” on Donald Trump.
Read the full story at The Hill.