Maria Is A Popular Girl

All of this comports with the indictment with the added bonus of adding “The national Interest” to the map of places being thoroughly hiked through right now.

I like it.

Lol I now see this is a Zantac thread that makes him feel good for reasons yet unexplained. Why are you happy while I’m happy zantax?

Money. That’s why it’s so funny nra rubes thought that she was a part of a gun rights group in Russia.

Separately, fta:

The think tank’s magazine hosted Trump at an event at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington in April 2016 also attended by Sergei Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to Washington at the time.

Whew boy that’s interesting eh? The mayflower hotel. The event Jeff Sessions had all sorts of memory lapses about that caused him to recuse himself .

Yes. I like this a whole lottle.

Lol I almost forgot.

There’s our boy Paulie too.

This has been going on since before anyone on this board was born.

She is. She’s just not good at it.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said in an interview Sunday that the Russian ambassador who met with Trump campaign officials also met with “people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary.”

“Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that he had lots of meetings of that kind,” Dmitry Peskov told CNN “GPS” host Fareed Zakaria. “There are lots of specialists in politology, people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary.”

Peskov said it is the job of Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to meet with officials on both sides to talk about “bilateral relations.”

Peskov also defended those meetings, saying they were not an attempt to interfere in the 2016 election.
“But there were no meetings about elections — electoral process … So if you look at it with intention to demonize Russia, you would probably say that, yes, he was trying to interfere in Hillary’s activities. But it would be nonsense, because this is not true,” Peskov said.