Marco Rubio punches himself in the face

Yesterday he sent out a tweet ripping the sec of defense for wearing a mask and face shield while visiting the Philippines. It was then pointed out that Filipino law requires masks and face shields….

Today he sent out another tweet of photos of sec def without a face shield and snarkely commented I guess the mask mandate was ended….

Without realizing the photos were taken in Vietnam and Singapore don’t require face masks….

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Everyone’s always looking for a gotcha. That’s all politics is now.

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Did Vietnam do another shutdown?



Those little ■■■■■■■■ need to get off their lazy commie asses and finish my wing already.

Rubio doesn’t care if it’s true. Rubio’s audience doesn’t care if it’s true. Rubio wants the exact reaction in the two posts above mine.


This is horrible. I am outraged over his having done this.



I’m certainly not voting for him!

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I was expecting to see a picture of Rubio with bruises on his face. What gives? :thinking:

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So what? You didn’t give a damn about Newsom when he ordered everyone home and then was caught out dining with people not in his household and not wearing a mask.

So why should we care about this?


You know, back in the day I thought that Rubio was a Republican I could respect.

I could definitely not support or agree with him, but maybe I could respect this new, young, charismatic Senator.

Imagine my disappointment.


Not everything must be cared about, sometimes it’s okay to just laugh at the clowns, and then move on with your day

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Or Pelosi’s concierge salon visit while San Fran was locked up…
Or the Texas Democrats violating FAA mask mandates while guzzling beer on a plane…
Or the rules of medical science suddenly being waived whenever a leftist protest spontaneously erupts…

We would have so much less squabbling as a nation over pandemic protocols if Democrats weren’t acting like the Soviet Nomenklatura.


Sad isn’t it, I don’t think I would back little what’s going on under the current leader of Philippines even as someone on the right. This is the guy who was elected because he was ruthlessly violent to criminals and religious minorities as mayor in Davao as president his government executed 7000 drug users in 2020 alone.

And now Elise Stefanik is tweeting out how Medicare and midi aid has helped protect the lives of millions of families…. And then says we must reject socialized healthcare….

Yes, when pointing out lib hypocrisy I’m sure many fellow libs are more than happy to move on. :wink:

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Those can be mutually exclusive concepts. I’ve never once heard a progressive actually discuss improving medical innovation or quality of care, they just demand that everything’s free - even if you’re not a U.S. citizen. It doesn’t matter to them if the U.S. implements a system that make the NHS look like a shining beacon of medical science, so long as Democratic Party members have access to the highest tier of medical care - just like the Cuban government that they defend so passionately.

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Is this worse than flying COVID infected illegal aliens all across the US, infecting the uninfected and potentially killing thousands? My gosh people. What the ■■■■ is wrong with you?

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you’ll hear about everything but this

this ■■■■ keeps them relevant


Amen to that!