Mandatory training in Critical Race Theory is under fire

I clarified it, but apparently not enough. Is the first video the Casey Petersen under discussion.

Does the second video show he is not a bot?

You’re still talking about two different people as if they’re one.

Those are two different people in your two different videos.

That’s generally how it’s done.

No, absolutely not. He shouldn’t even comment on it.

The FNC story is about the incident. Casey Petersen is not a bot.

/whoops edited wrong window, forgot what was here

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Yeah he should go ahead and do that.

It would be a hugely winning move.

Why would the second video show that he either is or is not?

Maybe I misunderstood. The incident occurred.

Perhaps that is his objection.

Yes you misunderstood.

No one has claimed the incident didn’t happen.

What was claimed is in doubt is Mr. Peterson’s interpretation of events.

We’ll probably never know, it would be interesting to find out how “diverse” the facilitators of the training were.

Based on what?

It’s a joke and everyone knows it. Just HR nonsense. Watch a video, take a quiz immediately after that asks you about what you saw. Check the box, move on.

Throwing your career away over it is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life. Might as well ruin your life over a PII training.

Based on having only the lens of what Mr. Peterson claimed the training was all about.

I think he purposefully chose a new career. Catering to the perpetually aggrieved is lucrative. Google his name. He’s on every single RW website.

Based on one guy’s YouTube video.

It’s a joke? You don’t believe in the need and effectiveness of diversity and inclusion?

Have you taken similar “training”?

Haven’t been in the workforce in 20 years.

Maybe, I know twitter ain’t your thing.

The bot is the link in the OP. You’re reading a twitter thread, from an unverified account, that a bot aggregated into a single page off of twitter.

It’s a handy bot, don’t get me wrong. But I think if it weren’t for that bot making a webpage of tweets into a single page this would be a bit more obvious the source for all this is pretty weak and transparently partisan. I dont really know what our twitter standards are around here anymore, but I thought they were higher than that.