No, She was arrested today this cult had major ties to the rich and famous dealing with people like Richard Branson, Linda Evans, CEO’s of major companies like Enron, BET and major politic connected people like former surgeon general of the US and daughter of a former Mexican President.
They also hosted an private event for the Dalai Lama.
they would lure woman into the group and brand them starve them and traffic them into sexual slavery.
I read that KR were the initials used in the branding, but that they were hidden so as to not initially alert the women. I am not sure if Mack’s initials were part of that.
Either way, I’m glad it’s been exposed and broken up and hopefully people will see some serious prison time for their crimes here.
I love it. The right will rant about collusion when it comes to Trump and Russia - how you can’t prove anything or that it doesn’t even matter. Now because of campaign contributions 10 years ago, Clinton colluded with the group.
pay no attention. It is past history… from 2007. Her collusion with the sex cult was a published fact back then and no one cared. Just ignore it. I mean … who cares?
Then post this well known definition so we can have it documented for the ages. Or don’t and stop accusing people of collusion, a term you won’t define. Or continue to deflect. I expect the later.
You post it. The word is used every day by libs accusing President Trump of accepting help from the Russians. The Clinton’s accepted help from sex slave cults.
it is when the private organization is an illegal sex trafficking cult and the money is “encouragement” for the politicians to look the other way.
Seems funny that it took Trump getting elected for the truth to be known and the leaders to be caught. Reminds me of ENRON…While President Bill Clinton played golf with Ken Lay, Lay was cooking the books and getting loans from Clinton. But when Gore lost and there were no more Democrats in charge to look the other way, Bush took him down.
An agreement between two or more people to defraud a person of his or her rights or to obtain something that is prohibited by law.
A secret arrangement wherein two or more people whose legal interests seemingly conflict conspire to commit Fraud upon another person; a pact between two people to deceive a court with the purpose of obtaining something that they would not be able to get through legitimate judicial channels.
I urge you to search every post I’ve made and see if I’ve ever accused Trump of collusion. I care about obstruction of justice, perjury and treason. That being said, if you want to accuse Clinton of collusion the burdern of proof is on you. You need to demonstrate that Clinton and the cult conspired together to cause some harm to a third party. A campaign contribution alone does not show collusion.