MAGA Teens Making America Great Again!

Liberal propaganda that anyone wearing one is a racist I suppose.

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Exactly what I was thinking. Trump supporters whether you like it or not the whole symbol of the red MAGA hat has negative connotations. Sure the media’s portrayal has helped to create that perception but so has the fact that Trump has emboldened racists and bigots who proudly and loudly support him. Trump and his other supporters have done very little to try and counter that element.

As we all know perception is reality. Like it or not that is just the way human beings are.

You got taken for a ride, sorry about that.

Let’s be real those kids were scared to death of the black people… So they decided to vent well smirk their frustration towards an easier target

They weren’t the ones doing the targeting.

Who was on video smirking?

Oh noes, a smirk, the horror. You should start a go fund me for his needed therapy.

Proudly racist, but yes, that’s part of it I suppose. Those racist connotations come directly from the actions of our President. Those hats are the visual representation of those actions. And when you seen groups of young white men wearing them, it’s disturbing and frightening to some people.

The group before that “You dirty cracker your day is coming” “The purge is coming” “Bunch of child molesting homosexuals”. This all came from one group the Black Hebrew Israelites.

If any other group spewed vile like that it would be nation wide condemnation, but it’s not happening with the newly surfaced video, why is that?

Sure it is.That’s exactly what CNN is doing in their reporting

The Hebrew Israelites begin by disparaging the students

^ Exactly the tone that breeds such thugs as those students.

Because…we are learning to expect that from so-called christers? Just sayin’

Lord protect us from the smiles of teenage thugs. He came up to me and started banging his little drum in my face he’d be getting more than a smile.

It was interesting to see all that trump branding gear. I thought it was a “pro-life” event.

Pretty clear why the “elder” searched out the one guy he did, isnt it?

I love the talking point…:71:

Yet you call someone else who banged a drum a professional agitator. Why the lack of consistency?

Not a fashion choice I would make, that doesn’t justify the media lying about this and the leftist twitterverse demonizing and making death threats against children.

Death threats are wrong, but they seem to pop up like candy on social media these days…what needs to happen is any potential college or employer needs to see these thugs for what they are…how they’ve been raised.

Thugs lol.