MADDOW MELTDOWN: MSNBC Host Compares Trump’s Tweets to 1922 ‘KKK Pamphlet’

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MSNBC host Rachel Maddow escalated her all-out war with the Trump administration this week; bizarrely equating the President’s posts on social media with pamphlets distributed by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s.

Maddow was referencing President Trump’s tweet over the weekend that warned individuals attempting voter fraud during the 2018 midterm elections will be caught and prosecuted.

“All levels of government and Law Enforcement are watching carefully for VOTER FRAUD, including during EARLY VOTING. Cheat at your own peril. Violators will be subject to maximum penalties, both civil and criminal!” posted the President.

“There is a history of this kind of intimidation … around voting in our recent past,” said Maddow. “Those leaflets carried a message that was essentially the 1922 version of the president’s tweet. The leaflet said, ‘Do not attempt to vote unless you are legally registered’ … They also had a little illustration next to the text, a guy in a hood with the initials KKK written on the hood.”

h/t Daily Caller