Lying former Secret Service Agent and failed candidate for the Senate and House declares John Brennan a stain on our country

I understand that but I can’t understand the judge saying he’s receiving threats? Who would be behind this and what could possibly be the motivation?

It’s just the truth.

Brennan = patriot.

Bongino = right-wing grifter and opportunist scumbag.

Have you seen them fight anywhere besides your dreams?

Maybe because he received threats?

If you quoted the only portion you read, I understand…that I don’t understand…why you would do that?

Gee…I don’t know. :drooling_face:

Gee…what color stain would that be?

That’s the most informed thing you’ve said today.

Did my linked post help answer your question?

It makes me join others who ask themselves why doesn’t Trump really get in there and expose all of this?

Do you not ask yourself why CNN and several lib news organizations would want the jury names and addresses? Do you think they’d try to dox them?

Same color as ■■■■■

Why? What have you been eating?

Don’t we know the names of all juries?

Occam’s Razor. There is nothing to expose.

I don’t really think too much about CNN. However, seeing as how the jury was not sequestered, it is actually very common practice for news agencies to seek details on the jury for trials with such high public interest. Trials are public, as are most of the proceedings and records regarding them.

that’s not what Rush and Fox preach each day.

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If anything has been proven definitively by Rush et al, it’s that the promotion of insane conspiracy theories that pit Americans versus fellow Americans can be insanely profitable.

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The more I hear from Brennen…The less likely it is he would be of any value “helping” out.

when i started reading Trump’s tweets over a year ago i thought the same thing.

okay, that was a lie. i knew he was a shyster 30 years ago.

Thanks for showing us how much smarter you are than the billionaire President.

Shyster? That stung.

that’s a really good point about the billionaire thing. the world has never has a rich shyster. not even one born with a silver spoon.


That sounds anti-semitic.