Looks like Trump was right on Mexico

sure…the one originally posted. From 12000 immigrants apprehended per week down to 2000. From 9000 in custody down to 1000.

What an accomplishment in dealing with Obamas problem.

Wait, so lets make sure we are both straight on this:

There has been zero new wall built. Just replacement.
So, how does the decrease in illegal migrations equate to the fact that no new wall has been built?

As you quoted here:

Again, with zero inches of new wall built, how is Mexico paying for something that does not exist?

I know this is hard for you. I will try slower.

The reduces expenditures are going to pay for the wall.
Trump was right.
Mexico is paying for it.

You can type one letter a month and still doesn’t answer my question:

If there is no new wall being built,dhow is Mexico paying for a non-existing wall?

Think of the allowance a child gets from his parents.

The kid saves so much every week to buy a gift for his parents

Once he saves enough money he purchases the gift.

The kid might think he paid for the gift.

Really it was the parents that paid for it.

During the time that the kid is saving, who’s money is he really saving? The parents.

Whoes money are we really saving now? Mexico’s.

When we get enough saved or when congress is changed, we can start on the new portion of the wall at Mexicos expense.

What a concept!

How much of new wall has been built and at what cost?

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Not enough and a lot. You want to pitch in?


That’s not paying for the wall

Imagine if I invited you on an all-expenses paid ski trip and i tell you i’m responsible for all the costs.

And when you get there, I tell you that you’re actually paying for your own trip but I am here to sell you a discount insurance policy and with the money you save from that policy, you can effectively cover your ski trip.

That is kinda what you’re trying to sell here.


I place the blame for the immigration mess right where it belongs, the 99th Congress.

Sure…or trump

3% would be a lot of kids.

30% is a ridiculous percentage.


You mean the deporter in chief?

Next year if the US sees costs increase will you be here to say that Mexico isn’t paying for the wall?

A couple of months ago I stopped by Advance, bought some new brake pads, and then put them on my car. Since I didn’t pay my regular mechanic’s labor fee does that mean my mechanic paid for my new brake pads?

We have a system and we have immigration laws that haven’t been enforced since the 60’s :roll_eyes: so it’s no wonder that most people under 50 years old don’t have a clue! President Trump has said many times the loophole in our asylum laws could be fixed with a 15.minute vote in Congress to curb the crisis at our borders but mostly Congressional Dems refuse to fix the problem they created so Trump was forced to find a work around ‘do nothing” Dems by dealing directly with Mexico and other So American countries and it’s another reason Dems and RINO’s hate him so much as its been very effective exposing our useless lawmakers.

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Mexico hasn’t paid a penny. We haven’t saved a penny. We had to provide emergency funds to deal with the influx. That is quite the opposite of what you are claiming.
Let me know when the Secretary of Homeland Security submits the annual report stating that they didn’t spend the budgeted funds for homeland security and they have a surplus. At that point I will believe you. Otherwise there is no savings, only extra money spend on emergency funds.

How did Obama “make the crisis”?
Illegal immigration steadily declined during his eight years in office.

We used to prosecute/fine/jail business owners who hired illegals. Ronald Reagan changed this causing the illegal alien issue we have today.

Mexico finally decided to act when the cost forced them to.

I don’t care who pays for it as long as it gets built. If “Mexico isn’t paying for it” is all they have to offer we can just keep on laughing.

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Well that certainly isn’t true. The downward trend begain in 2006 under Bush. When the recession began it continued.

They declined as the economy declined, then it came up as the economy leveled off. With the “Trump Recovery” the numbers began to grow again.

With a combination of leftwing activist groups operating out of the US funding them and encouraging them along with the lawsuits stymieing efforts to interdict them along with all the wailing and flailing by democrats a huge surge was created.