Looks like Trump was right on Mexico

Looks like Trump was right on the southern wall and Mexico paying for it. This article says they had 9000 people in custody in the summer and now with the help of Mexico that number in custody is about 1000. Further, they were apprehending 12000 migrants per week and now that number is down to 2000. The savings in expenditures will more than pay for the wall, so it looks like Trump was right. Mexico is paying for our wall.

I like what Trump is doing on illegal immigration. I wish congress would come up with a plan so that people would immigrate to this country with legal status and not have to come here illegally. I would like for them and their families to obtain citizenship within 5 years of arrival. This illegal immigration does a dis service to our country and our immigrants. It shouldnt be that hard to come up with a system. Perhaps if they didnt spend all their time bashing Trump they could have got something done on the issue other than lip service.


I hope you aren’t expecting anti Trumpers to congratulate him on enforcing our immigration laws that they don’t believe in.


Think of how much more they could have accomplished if the Congress had supported him on this issue rather than try to stop him at every turn.


They made the crisis…this is like being proud you fixed the wall after you punched a hole in it.


Hate to disappoint you, but Obama made the crisis.


Don’t expect congress to do anything.

Doesn’t it seem odd after all these years under Obama while they flooded our border, filled our holding facilities, keeping kids in cages etc that they would have done what Trump did?

I mean that if they really cared…right?

Either way congress has other agendas in mind and doing hte people work isn’t one of them Otherwise they would have passed new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.

Lol…always someone’s elses fault right?
Just own it… nobody is gonna hurt you


So Congress passing a $4.6 Billion emergency funding supplemental to deal with the crisis that the Trump administration created equals Congress not doing anything and Mexico paying for the wall.

Good to know.


Remember all the drama about separating families?

Well, according to the article, [quote]

“We were finding about 30 percent of individuals that were coming across with children have no family ties and often were complete strangers,” Karisch said. “At the height of the summer that number increased to about 50 percent but that has since lowered.” [/quote]

Imagine if that was your kid snatched up to be used as a ticket across the boarder.


Mexico has not paid one penny of the wall.
If it were true, Trump would be out there with the signed check from Mexico, touting for all to see.

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The logic is hilarious.

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Tell it to Obama and the dems. We all know when the crisis started and you cant change the start date even though you would like to. Even your liberal NPR has reported about the border crisis under Obama.

Anyways, believe what you want and good luck trying to convince people that this all happened under Trump. Your gonna need it.

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Depends on how you look at it. If Mexico helps us in dealing with the migrants, than the money they are spending on the migrants directly offsets the amount of money we would be paying for them. There fore that reduced expenditure can pay for the wall. Looks like Mexico is contributing to it to me.

Best of luck trying to convince people otherwise. Just like in the impeachment inquiry, your gonna need a lot of luck convincing people.

You must take me for an idiot.
Trump created this crisis via his bad management. End of story

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Good luck. Just because you believe it doesnt make it true. Oh well, some still believe in the tooth fairy.

Well if you stick to the college campuses where you have a captive audience with no personal living responsibilities, they will probably believe you.

Only reason to go to a college is to look at the women.

The way one looks at it is that the US government was shut down because Trump wanted money (US taxpayers money) to build his wall. When he didn’t get it, he declared a National Emergency so he could siphon off funds from other agencies to pay for his wall.

This AM radio spin where less expenditures on migrants offsets this or that is not what Trump campaigned on or has happened.

Nice try though.

And look how well it is working. Mexico is paying for it by our reduce expenditures on illegal border crossings.

Kind of like how a guy lives in his parents basement. His money goes pretty far because he isnt responsible for anything.

Now that Mexico has take on a bigger role in taking care of the migrants, our money goes further.

Do you have a link on the “reduced expenditures”?