Looks like Trump may be Right on his Tax Records

No, it wouldn’t.

Libs are also groping for his bank records, business records, associates’ records, family member records…

Witch hunt.

Well that comes with being the most corrupt… Cause and effect you know.

It’s not a con/lib thing.

Not even close.

I am following youl. If the IRS thinks you cheated on your taxes, they have no need to haul you into court. They can audit and assess penalties. Court only comes in if you reject the IRS’ actions. What I called into question was the IRS going to the courts to get a warrant for your taxes, which they obviously don’t need.

Your second instance is Congress decides to investigate your taxes. That seems hugely far-fetched and has nothing to do with the oversight authority between branches of the government.

Correct. You have a consistent history of position and message.

Please show me your posts complaining about this during the endless investigations after the Republicans took over Congress when Obama was President. Trump investigations end up with his associates in jail… the Obama era investigations ended up as nothing more than memes.

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My bad for assuming a shared history here…

I’ve forgotten there’s really no such thing as a shared history anymore what with most old posts having gone down the memory hole and such.

Maybe not for you. I’ll take your word at that.

That makes you an exception among libs.

And what has Trump done that was so corrupt?

No longer hunting for the witch.

Your inclusion of “so” conveys that you recognize his corruption… but don’t think its a big deal. So why don’t we focus on where we disagree?

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So you can’t name what he did.

No, they can’t. Their charge is just a bunch of unhinged words and insults. Now he’s a witch too.


Then Trump should have kept his mouth shut. Per usual he runs his mouth with no intention of following through.

He is hiding something…

I don’t necessarily think this is an indication they support Trump’s position, just that it’s a big enough and unique enough Constitutional Question that it deserves a fair hearing.

There’s no legitimate “Legislative Purpose” and that is the legal bar.

Of course I can… what a silly poke.

Start with the blatant violate of the Emoluments Clause by operating the hotel in the Old Post Office Building. Perhaps you have no problem with those doing business with the Executive Branch choosing to stay at.a place that enriches the leader of that branch.

Of course, just this week, he paid a $2M fine over the corruption of the Trump Foundation. Can you acknowledge that?

Trump University anyone?
Re-directing government travelers to his golf courses in Scotland and Ireland?

Documented instances of representing the value of properties differently to lenders and taxing authorities…

Many more examples, but that should serve to refresh your memory regarding corruption.


If he actually violated the Emoluments Clause why was that not included in the impeachment articles?

If they could prove it that would have given them a slam dunk to have him impeached and removed from office.

The old post office was smart investment, deal before Trump even announced his presidency…are you doing to deny that?

As for his business dealing with foundation and university…what does that have to do wit his presidency?