Looks like Trump may be Right on his Tax Records

So there is a precedent. Good.

So congress needs the records to sue him and not oversight?

SCOTUS decision on ObamaCare was way funnier. Those “experts” here even started a thread cheering the decision before a decision was rendered. Boy, how embarrassing that thread was.

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I do not believe that the congress should be able to go on a fishing expedition to obtain tax records on any citizen. If the congress wants oversite, they can request records that meet a certain criteria, like all records on all individuals declaring 200k through 300k of income. BUT there shouldnt be names associated with those returns. It is none of their business what I filed on my taxes. If I did something illegal, the IRS can tell it to a judge and get a warrant.

My fears are politicians will use this provision to dig up dirt on their political rivals. I do not trust either side on this.


Yes. He lied. That is what liars do. They lie. I stipulated to that in the OP. Have you ever met a politician who didnt lie? Did you get that 2500 savings back on your health care? I sure didnt.

It is up to the electorate to hold them accountable, not the congress.


Is that a reasonable enough standard for the police to obtain a search warrant?


You too?

The sunglasses emoji wasn’t enough?


“If they have nothing to hide…” is a justification many people used to accept things like the Patriot Act, waterboarding, “extreme vetting”, warrantless wiretapping etc when they thought they’d be mostly used against “other”.

Now this power might be used against someone who they don’t consider “other”? It’s now the worst thing in the universe.

The patriot act and fisa courts are bad law

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Given the specificity of the issues of oversight that Congress has raised here, this hardly meets your criteria of a “fishing expedition.”

And do you really think the IRS needs a warrant to audit your return? Where did that come from?

So your argument is that there should be no Congressional oversight… only subsequent elections.

Add that to Barr’s view that the President is immune from criminal prosecution and the Executive Branch could pretty much hide anything. Is that what you want?

Spare us…

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Odd…I don’t remember a single forum lib argued penalty fine would be changed by Chief justices as a tax.


It’s so cute you’re pretending to be me. :sunglasses:

Frankly, that took a lot of explaining that we were supposed to perceive from an emoji with sunglasses.

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He was joking, duh.

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King Donald has a nice ring to it.

I’m sure his Highness would approve.

Barr’s view? That has been DOJ policy since 1973.

And there is a difference between criminal prosecution and investigations. Trump has probably been more investigated than any President in history.

In this country, yes.

Read the whole statement and try to follow the thought…If I did something illegal, the IRS can tell a judge and get a warrant…What I am trying to say and probably poorly, Is if the IRS thinks I cheated on my taxes they can go before a judge and let the chips fall where they may. To me, the IRS should not be allowed to implement any fines without a court order.

If a congressman thinks I cheated on my taxes, he shouldnt have the authority to audit them for his own curiosity. It is none of their business how I file my taxes. That is between me and the IRS.

This is EXACTLY the issue at hand.

Weaponizing politics.

Libs are salivating for it to be in effect today. They have no foresight for when their guy is in the Oval Office.

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