Looks like my Representative (and my old Representative) help trip up MTG on the Mayorkas impeachment

The Mayorkas impeachment failed by a vote of 209 to 201 to refer the impeachment to committee, thus preventing the actual impeachment vote from taking place at all.

Proud to see that my Representative Virginia Foxx (and my old Representative Patrick McHenry) both voted with Democrats on the motion to refer.

Additionally, Republicans Cliff Bentz, Ken Buck, Daryl Issa, Tom McClintock, John Duarte and Mike Turner also voted yes on the motion to refer.

Not going to be convicted in the Senate and we have much more important things to deal with than wasting the Senate’s valuable time on a doomed impeachment effort.

Yeah…be proud as Mayorkas and company purposefully break our immigration laws and motivate the destruction of this country from within. Why anyone would support this piece of ■■■■ , at our country’s expense, is beyond my mental comprehension.


I was just thinking the same thing.

Why on earth would Anyone support Mayorkas??? :crazy_face:

How far left does one have to be for that??? :roll_eyes:


Mayorkas should be impeached. He’s not doing his job. Who cares who tried to impeach him? It’s the right thing to do. Children and others are dying because of him, and the people who support his actions…

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And just who is “supporting” Mayorkas.

Impeachment is just doomed to end in failure.

So why waste your â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  time doing it?

Because it will show the senate as being dysfunctional about fed agency failure and future DHS heads will be warned they need to do their job…


And it’s not like they are short of time. They don’t do much these days but rubber stamp the CRs and send money for wars…


Anyone not wanting him impeached or removed is supporting him…


False dichotomy.

I would prefer he resign.

I know there will never be the votes to remove him in the Senate.

So why do it.

Just a grandstanding waste of time.

I agree he is failing the country, actually aiding illegal immigrants break into the country, and needs to be removed. I also know that an impeachment would not accomplish that as it will fail in the senate and allow him to claim he was found not guilty. Only the defeat of Biden in 2024 will accomplish that.


…cuz it’s the right thing to do. How about something just as simple as that? He’s a piece of ■■■■ and needs to be removed. There are two here from NC that were a part of this and now…going forward, they’re in my personal spotlight. I sure hope there’s an occasion when I can inflict political damage to them.


You force them to show their contempt for the legal immigration process on record.

If EVER there is a justification for removal from office this is it.

We are more certain of terrorist infiltration than we are of the Senate vote or Brandon veto.


I’m still laughing at MTG calling the Republicans that voted against “pu$$ies”. :rofl:
You go girl, call em as you see em and shoot from the hip!
Too much LOL


Have a son in law and daughter that MTG is their congressman.

They love her. :+1:


Like when they failed to convict Trump?

The last American still alive wins.

Eat drink and be merry!!!

“Yay, my representatives helped keep a total dirt bag nobody likes in office!”

Weird flex.


Perhaps the proposal would have been taken more seriously if it hadn’t been pushed by a congresscritter busy running from gazpacho in a peach tree dish. Maybe find a more reputable congresscritter next time?

Oh, and I live in the district next to the one MTG represents, and I love her too. She’s giving me a ton of material to work with if I ever decide to return to stand up comedy.

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The resemblance is rather uncanny.


Its all fun and games until the infiltrators activate

Yeah…that’s it. Make up excuses to cover for a piece of ■■■■ who has allowed millions upon millions of illegal aliens to cross our border. Knock the only person with enough guts to try and do the right thing for our country.

Anything else of no value you’d like to add…and BTW…there’s NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THIS.