Looking at Satan

What does the Bible say about Satan?

Is he responsible for all evil?

Does the Bible really tell about a being so powerful that he could keep God’s creation in turmoil for thousands of years?

Is Satan/ the (D)evil all powerful?

Is Satan All knowing?

Is Satan omnipresent?

Is Satan powerful enough to cause chaos all over the world at the same time?

IMO it’s a metaphor for the evil within us all. These days, most people refer to it as the Ego.


A loanword is a word taken from another language that is completely or partially letter for letter.

This is called transliteration. –“names from one language are often transliterated into another”

This is done when there is no equivalent word or name in a second language. The problem is, often there is a corresponding word in the second language but it is not used.

Translators often take the liberty of picking and choosing when to translate and when to transliterate depending on their own understanding. The consequences are that very meaning of the loanword is changed. A translator should translate and leave the interpreting to the reader.

The word “satan” is a loanword. The Hebrew word satan, (Strong’s 7854) means adversary or accuser. No proper name is given. It is transliterated Satan in the Greek and capitalized, making it a proper name. The Hebrew language had only one case - no capitalization.

Is it proper to assign a proper name to the word satan, or should it be translated adversary or accuser each time?

Robert Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible, never uses the word satan. He uses adversary.

There is another word “satan” (Strong’s 7853) that is spelled the same with one vowel sound different, - the root word from which 7854 comes. It is a verb, meaning to accuse or oppose, but is translated as a noun. It is never translated as Satan.

I think it is important to know if the writers of the Bible ever meant this word to be applied as a proper name for an evil archenemy of God. If not, it should be thrown out and replaced with adversary or accuser.

Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan.

Buddha was tempted in the Forest wilderness by Mara. Mara is called "the destroyer, " “adversary”, and many other titles, such as “5th Devil of the 6th Heaven.” These temptations were a major victory over evil.

Once the devil is defeated then the mission of salvation for all is revealed to mankind.

I agree. Ego - Pride is the deadliest of all.

The Ego is behind every sin/evil act ever committed. It’s not “him” making us sin. It’s us.


No. No. No. No. No. No.

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What. is “Ego death”

Ego Death and Self-Control Cybernetics

These awakenings that defeat evil are real events, internal to a human being

As an expedient I should post this LONG video in this thread… it is one of the best anti-Satan/Luciferian explanations (not perfect)

X-Factor Winner Reveals World’s Secret Religion

That is interesting rp. I haven’t listened to all of it yet, but I intend to do so.

In Isaiah, Lucifer the king of Babylon wants to ascent up above the heavens and seize God’s throne.

Isaiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”

This is an actual quote from a Ugaritic legend about the god Attr - – Hebrew for Lucifer is the equivalent of Attr. Attr wanted to become the head of the gods and he succeeded …in mythology.


Persian mythology developed in what is now Iran after about 1500 B . C . About a thousand years later, a religion known as Zoroastrianism emerged in the region. It held on to many of the earlier beliefs but added new themes, deities, and myths. The result was a mythology based on a dualistic vision: a cosmic conflict between good and evil.

Background and Sources. The roots of Persian mythology lie in the steppes of southern Russia and Central Asia. Between 1500 and 1000 B . C ., Indo-European peoples migrated south from the steppes into the regions now known as Turkey, Iran, and northern India. Those who settled in Iran became the Persians. Their mythology had much in common with that of the early Hindus and probably developed from a common Indo-European source. In time, the Persians also absorbed influences from Mesopotamia ***** on their western border.

The religious reformer and prophet Zoroaster (probably born around 628 B . C .) founded the faith that dominated Persia until the arrival of Islam in the A . D . 600S. Apart from somewhat unreliable accounts by ancient Greek historians, the earliest information about Persian mythology comes from Zoroastrianism’s sacred book, the Zend-Avesta or Avesta. Much of the original Zend-Avesta was lost after Alexander the Great conquered Persia in 334 B . C . What survives is a set of writings gathered and arranged between A . D . 200 and 600. One section, the Gathas, consists of songs believed to have been composed by Zoroaster. Much mythological material can be found in another section containing Yashts, hymns addressed to angels and heroes.

Isaiah quotes this part of the legend but shows how God would cast him down. The Old Covenant Scripture uses the way of tearing down pagan ideas. These are carried over to the New Covenant Scripture.

The gospel uses gnostic philosophy to show the endless superiority of the true gospel story, over the meaningless philosophies of the 1st century world where John wrote.

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This is a depiction of an experiential event, that has has happened to other visionary sages as with Isaiah.

It is something that actually happens inside consciousness during prayer and meditation.

I see it in the Apostles Creed:

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the virgin, Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hades. On the third day He rose again from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen."

These things are actual DESCRIPTIONS of what happens at the moment of death of a person and choices that are made. Visionary sages are able to recall these things BEFORE death occurs. The temptation by Satan/Mara is universal bad experiential.

You mentioned the Zend-Avesta.

There were political divides that complicated the relationships between India and Persia, even though their scriptural background had previously been essentially from the same Vedic sources.

This might appear very obscure from the the Zend-Avesta, regarding the “3rd Day” after death—for the evil doer, (while the faithful, after passing through various stages emerge as resurrected.

Zarathurtra! “To what land shall I turn, O Ahura
Mazda? To whom shall I go with praying?”

‘On that night his soul tastes as much of suffering
as the whole of the living world can taste.’

  1. — 'On the third night, where does his soul
    abide ?’

  2. Ahura Mazda answered : ‘ It rushes and sits
    near the skull, singing the Kima GStha, O holy
    ZarathuJtra! “To what land shall I turn, O Ahura
    Mazda ? To whom shall I go with praying ?”

‘On that night his soul tastes as much of suffering
as the whole of the living world can taste.’

  1. At the end of the third night, O holy Zara-
    thu.ftra! when the dawn appears, it seems to tho
    soul of the faithful one as if it were brought amidst
    snow and stench, and as if a wind were blowing
    from the region of the north, from the regions of
    the north, a foul-scented wind, the foulest-scented
    of all the winds in the world.

26-32. And it seems to the soul of the wicked man
as if he were inhaling that wind with the nostrils, and
he thinks: ‘Whence does that wind blow, the foulest-
scented wind that I ever inhaled with my nostrils’?’

’ A development similar to that in §§ 9-14 is to be supplied
here : in the Ardi VirSf and the Minokhired the soul of the wicked
is met by a horrid old woman, who is his own conscience : ’ And
in that wind he saw his own religion and deeds, as a profligate woman, naked, decayed, gaping, bandy-legged, lean-hipped, and
unlimitedly spotted, so that spot was joined to spot, like the most
hiideous noxious creatures (khrafstar), most Slthy and most
stinking’ (qf. § 9).

Then that wicked soul spoke thus : ‘ Who art thou ? than whom

I never saw any one of the creatures of Afiharmazd and Akhaiman
uglier, or filthier or more stinking’ (cf. § 10).

To him she spoke thus: ‘I am thy bad actions, O youth of evil thoughts, of evil words, of evil deeds, of evil idigioiil It (bad scanning misprint)



  1. The first step that the soul of the wicked
    man made laid him in the Evil-Thought Hell;

The second step that the soul of the wicked man
made laid him in the Evil-Word Hell ;

The third step that the soul of the wicked man
made laid him in the Evil-Deed Hell ;

The fourth step that the soul of the wicked man
made laid him in the Endless Darkness.

  1. Then one of the wicked who departed before
    him addressed him, saying; ‘How didst thou perish,

0 wicked man ? How didst thou come, O fiend !
from the abodes full of cattle and full of the wishes
and enjoyments of love ? From the material world
into the world of the Spirit ? From the decaying

is on account of thy will and actions that I am hideous and vile,
iniquitous and diseased, rotten and foul-smelling, unfortunate and
distressed, as appears to thee (cf,§§ rx-12).

Many people and regular historians are in the dark about the appearances of Buddhas in opposing countries.

The Hindu Mahabharata depicts a war between opposing clans, and with that backdrop the teaching of Kristos {Greek for Krishna and “Christ”) emerges.

The birth of Avatars, Messiahs, Kristos, Buddhas, is fundamental.

All these religions teach the LATTER DAYS. This too, is wisdom derived from visionary experiences, when past, present and future is seen.

in political divides, the enemy is seen as “The Devil” because of the misuse of true religious experience. The biggest trick of the real devilish nature within human beings.

Persia and Sumeria and Israel all at one time been of the single vedic culture. This can be understood and realized through visionary recapitulation in the 8th consciousness.

The same goodness and evil, is realized by these religions.