Look what the Democrat Party Leadership has done to democrat voters

At this point in the pandemic, are those state level, or federal level, decisions?

They are both but the financial damage to some of these businesses is done already.

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Why was there 18 months of “soft pricing”?


Shut down.

You© and Fauci demanded it. Now comes the pain.


There is a simple, immutable truth the left routinely ignore; the bill always comes due sooner or later.

From us.

There is no such thing as “fed money”.


Trump started it with travel bans and a two week lock down that he extended to (I think) two months? Then right fully it all got passed down to the states. And of course on a personal level people choose to stay home.

Businesses also moved to remote working which has a deevasting effect on local economies. Largely those have been done first at the urging of the fed under trump and now the states. But also they have found in some cases that it’s an improvement for their companies and they are sticking with it.

All of which to say it wasn’t just a few people making these decisions. It was a national response to a pandemic that was killing 3-4 thousand people a day.

Your need to foist blame on your fellow Americans is sad but utterly predictable.

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This trying to blame Trump for lockdowns is horse feathers. A complete fabrication, revising history.

Trump fought shutting down every step of the way and was hated for it. Called a greedy, heartless bastard.


I take it you agree with what was indicated with respect to illegal immigration, and how the immigration policies of the Democrat Party Leadership are destructive to the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD

Now who would have thought someone would blame Trump for the current Democrat Party Leadership’s policies which are devastating to the general welfare of democrat voters?

Seems Trump Derangement Syndrome is still very much alive and continually used to deflect from the Democrat Party Leadership’s intentional desire to destroy American from within.


…and that is exactly right. We were all there watching and listening and the forces fought Trump attempting to keep things open but safe, every step of the way.


I’m not blaming him. I’m not blaming anyone. We are in a war against this virus and in war people have to make decisions. Some of them will be right, some will be wrong. But not fair to blame anyone for getting it wrong in a war. We didn’t ask for this. The people making decisions didn’t ask for it. Nor have they seen it before.

(obviously there are exceptions - Cuomo and the assisted living facilities was a horrible decision. Trump’s positions on masks…I think these are on their face bad decisions, but hey, this is who trump is…you can’t really expect him to change on a dime…)

But your revisionist history is funny.

On Sunday, the night before Day 15, Trump told the country to stick with the plan for another month, until April 30.

“The better you do, the faster this whole nightmare will end,” Trump said.

There he is, fighting hard to avoid shutdowns…

So, you are still stuck on Trump while ignoring the devastating effects in our nation’s inner cities from the Democrat Party Leadership’s policies, and especially its policies having to do with immigration.


When it comes to healthcare and helping the needy, our Democrat Party Leadership has no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

Nonsense and it’s not the first time.

“In a war”… then Fauci is General Haig and you© followed him.

You don’t get to blame Trump for the lockdown you© demanded.

He warned you and you hated him for it. Hell, you© still blame him for 700k deaths. “He mishandled it!”

You© wanted it, so you have to pay for it.

And they’re getting ready to do it again.

The bill always comes due.

The virus is going to run its course.


Thank you.

Trump’s biggest mistake on COVID was listening to Fauci, something you© also demanded.


Hard to predict how quickly we would emerge out of a Covid depressed demand situation. The O&G companies have been burned financially and by the stock market for not exhibiting capital discipline. They are being cautious as they slowly increase supply. If they rush in and contract more rigs, they worry about price.

So, drilling more here won’t work because oil is a global commodity is out the window now?

The Permian, due to its size, has the potential to have some minor effect on global prices. Not a huge effect though. This is a newer phenomenon for us.

Nice that you never hold Trump responsible for Trump’s actions. Always blame someone else, just like your master, Trump.

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He warned me by telling me to extend his lockdown for 30 more days? Heck of a warning.

Warned me by banning international travel?

By Endorsing - but not following - mask mandates?

By pouring it all on to find a vaccine?

What on earth are you talking about?

Trump was doing everything he could, and the man he is, to beat the virus. You want to QB him from this point in the future? Have at it. He got somethings right, he got somethings wrong. Just like everyone. Just like every leader in every war ever.

You have an odd need to put trump up on a pedestal, and put Fauici down in a dungeon.

It’s a weird obsession, but you do you.