Look At DeSantis Go!

Ouch! Desantis is out of his league.

I still don’t get it. Is DeSantis trying to teach Disney a lesson? Get in line or Florida will attack you until you stop investing money in the state?

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Desantis is kicking ass!

Trump’s gonna have a field day over this.

No he’s not…call there bluff.

Couple things comes to mind…first they’re BSing about expansion. And secondly if they have the money to invest they’re going to invest it.


The UE in Florida is 2.6%

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Yeah but…is this how DeSantis will operate with any corporation that doesnt support his agenda?


Disney needs to be none political. When they step into that arena they’re open game.

Is that a problem for YOU?


Corporations are “political” all the time. They cut checks to politicians, oppose certain laws, promote others. Thats been happening forever.

Amd yes- DeSantis can go after them…but it will literally drive them to put their money elsewhere. Its a supremely stupid strategy. Just let some ■■■■ go.

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Yeah but…is this how DeSantis will operate with any corporation that goes crazy and supports a radical woke agenda and meddles in state business?

Who’s running the schools, the state of Florida or Tinkerbell?


I wrote it honest.

Disney said this about the LGBTQ school law:

“It could be used to unfairly target gay, lesbian, nonbinary and transgender kids and families.”


That sounds like its worth losing potentially billions and thousands of high paying jobs in Florida?

Cut off your nose to spite your face.

No it won’t. Disney can’t take the weather and beaches with them.

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See the problem?


From the article:

Disney is cancelling plans to build a massive nearly $1 billion office complex in Orlando, costing the state more than 2,000 six-figure jobs.

2.6% is full employment.

They would have to import transplants anyway.

Where are they going to build it?