Liz Cheney for president in 2024? Anyone else

Liz is a mainstream Republican.

Tulsi is not a mainstream democrat.

Try again.


The Republican Party is not going back to where it was. They will be a Nationalist Party for the foreseeable future. Tulsi (or at least her views) were once main stream Dem views, but not since the Progressives stole the party. The Nationalist just stole Liz’s party too. She is no longer a main stream Republican.

Tulsi mainstream views. Surely you jest. She visited with Assad.


Whereas Cheney voted with trump like 98% of the time.

She doesn’t like trump. That’s her only non-mainstream view.


She is a foreign interventionist, Trump supporters are anything but that.

A Cheney/Trump debate would be must see TV. I still don’t think that Trump will run. He might say that he is to make some bucks. But I don’t think he would poll well and we know he carefully looks at polls.

Trump supporters are what Trump says they are…

I would vote for Tulsi.

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Not me. Lightweight.

Sanders, nope.

Mayor Pete undecided.


The bar is so low, why not?

I like Katie Porter for the Dems and Romney or Hogan for the GOP.

I personally would prefer Mr Trump not run again…

I just literally don’t have the heart to weed thru all the bs that would accompany such a campaign. He won’t be able to restrain himself and neither will the lib left.

I would welcome a chance to consider voting for DeSantis,Tim Scott, maybe Pompeo. Republicans have a tremendous bench…a chance to look forward as opposed to reliving 016-020 all over again.

Now having said all that…if Trump runs and is the nominee of course he’ll have my vote in the general election.

Democrats are proving right now they have nothing but high crime big spending open borders inflationary restrictions on freedom to offer. I can’t think of a single Dim other than maybe Tulsi Gabbard who’s even remotely interesting to me.

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A lifelong big gov dem is gping to “get behind” a Cheney. Yeah right.

And 6 months into his guy’s term. Disillusioned already?

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I could vote for either one. Not Pompeo.

Is this a joke?

That’s why we have campaigns. I find Pompeo to be brilliant, I feel the same way about DeSantis and Scott. Republicans have a great potential group to choose from. I m eager to hear their specific ideas. That’s why I’d prefer mr Trump stay out of it…the voices of that next generation of leaders would be drowned out by all the noise.

Meanwhile today we learned that the administration has been working with big tech to censor Americans Freedom of Speech.

The Midterms in 2022 can’t get here quickly enough Democrats need to be stripped of as much power as possible.


You couldn’t get behind her. Trump hate makes you have a common enemy, but other than that which policies would you have in common? She is through in the Republican Party and the Democrats won’t take her.

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I like Desantis but make no mistake about the media and libs would go after him with all the viciousness and hate that they do Trump.

They would simply forget Trump and pronounce Desantis the new “Satan”.


I see the neocon RHINO/Democrat cabal are doing focus group surveys on who to get behind to split the Republican vote and leave the Dems in power. They sound desperate.

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Every election cycle a new republican that has zero chance gets hauled out that the left might like. I am sure it started earlier whether its Jon Hunstman, John Kasich, etc… Why wasn’t the same love given to a Marco Rubio or even a true centrist in 2012 Mitt Romney because they could have actually won. These other names have no chance even those saying they are a good candidate from the democratic party.

I kind of liked Michael Bennett and Tom Steyer in the 2020 democratic primary they both got smoked by radical leftists, so my opinion means squat on who the democratic party will elect.

Surprised anyone with the last name Cheney is making the rounds considering they wanted to haul her father off to prison.

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