LIVE UPDATES: Presidential recount gets underway in Georgia

Yes you do, and you are. But, you may have the last word. I know how important that is in these matters.

Your party is trash. :wink:

My party is the majority in the house in 2021

My party could be the majority in the senate in 2021

My party will occupy the White House in 2021.

Not bad for trash…



Both parties are Trash and until there is a real alternative to the far radical left and the far radical right ever shall it be

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Biden has officially been certified as winner in Georgia.


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Agreed, but even I can say nice things about the democrats. They made me a made man with their love for war, and I’ll always be grateful to Obama for that. Had I known he’d be so blood thirsty, I wouldn’t have voted third party in '08.

That’s funny…considering 5 million or so voted just for Biden. And million more voted against Trump but for repugs candidates.

But will see as you said…in 2022.

Michigan and Pennsylvania on Monday.

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I do enjoy waking up and seeing trump losing again and again and again. Like groundhogs day

You think Trump was radical right?

His judges are.


And that will be that.

Trump can ask for a recount in Georgia.

Can wait to see him lose once again.

I am counting on it (pun intended)


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A lot of libs around here insisted for years that Trump was more like an 80’s democrat than a modern republican.


Not what I asked you.

Yep…all what Trump done was executed democrat policies that they promised us back then.

Maybe that’s where all that hate is from.

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I only go by his legacy which are lifetime appointments of radical RW judges.


So you can’t name one policy…just on policy that’s Trump far right.

Let’s not speak so soon. We need to see what the verdict is- and I imagine there will be a verdict, because Trump will appeal it to the Supreme Court and being 5-4 in favor of Conservatives, I imagine they will choose to review it.

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Travel ban.

Building of new wall.

Government shutdown.

Unwillingness to talk to the SOTH directly.

Radical right.


Appeal what to the Supreme Court? What legal case will be appealed?