LIVE STREAM President Trump MAGA Rally Tonight Johnson City, TN. 10-1-2018

I rented out a hall so I could see it in all it’s grandeur

Hey - I’ve got an idea for a drinking game. Those watching could take a drink ever time Trump professes his undying love for Kim Jong Un.

I don’t want to get wasted, have to work tomorrow.

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How about a drink every time the camera pans to someone in bib overalls and a red hat fawning over Trump’s every word?

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I don’t know - that could potentially give some folks alcohol poisoning…

I guess her name must have come up already

Fair point.

Talk about two empty pots trying to call the kettle black.


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Negative people are failed people. But they can all change.

Change…we can believe in?

And people wonder why Trumpism is compared to a cult. “Just let Trump in your heart and all will be good.”


Wicked November

A real, populist Trump lose

Enjoying the Jones?


Negative people

Cannot change any more than

Flyover country.


Cool declivity
A final, little Trump make
in spite of the Kim


Remember how, before WUDS infected half the country, the Right half, when a President abusing the perks of the office, AF1 etc., to fly all over the country was a bad thing?

Remember that?

Remember when Fat Donald scolded and dissed our President Barack Hussein Obama for doing a little campaigning as President?

Before Right Wingers, including himself, went bat ■■■■ crazy with WUDS?

Remember those good old days?

I do.

What about you Right Wingers with TDS? (Trump Defender Sickness)

Do you remember them?

Or are you going to continue to wallow in Donald Trump’s hypocrisy, smear it all over your face, and bow and kiss his ring?


Hark! Who goes there? Trump?

Lower the gates, blow trumpets,

And bring forth the whores.


Amazing, obsessed Haters love to hate. Love to twist and spin. Damaged souls can change.


10 char

In the Love beer
these Love devil
A triangle lies

Anger, rage, and spit,

Red hats red faces red blood,

Spew from wherever!