LIVE STREAM President Trump MAGA rally! Southaven, MS 10/2/18 tonight

Quit being obtuse.

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I consider being called a Trumpist an I sult, others view it as badge of honor so I ask you what specifically was insulting to the OP or to you so we can clear the air. Link or if itā€™s that bad then do your job as a user and report the posts.

Iā€™m acute actually

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They stand for abortion above all else. :roll_eyes:

Brussels has some of the best beer in the world.

Brett Kavanaugh probably agrees with me.

No such thing as ā€œgoodā€ beer.

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Belgian style perhapsā€¦I still like my American Fat Tire

I already edited my post to include abortion.

As long they support that they will never get close to moral high ground.

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Cons poor brains explode

Shadows in the night abound

Idiotic sham

Acutely obtuse.

Nah we will leave that to the republican party

Weā€™re not the ones rioting and screaming at the sky.

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Specifics, itā€™s not hard. Trump supporter in this thread seem have trouble coming up with specifics when asked. But itā€™s everyone else who is a troll.

Most of us are pro life.

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Apparently not

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Are religious fanatics

Until itā€™s born or if itā€™s born in the wrong GPS coordinates

Belgium Abbey Ales are my favorite beers in the world. Awesome stuff.

Yes so much yes