LIVE STREAM: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in El Paso, TX

That’s one way to look at it.

President Trump Job Approval

Job Approval on Economy | Job Approval on Foreign Policy | Congressional Job Approval | Direction of the Country

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 1/25 - 2/11 42.6 54.1 -11.5
Rasmussen Reports 2/7 - 2/11 1500 LV 50 48 +2
The Hill/HarrisX 2/7 - 2/8 1002 RV 47 53 -6
Economist/YouGov 2/2 - 2/5 1294 RV 42 54 -12
Reuters/Ipsos 1/30 - 2/5 2470 A 38 57 -19
Politico/Morning Consult 2/1 - 2/2 1993 RV 41 56 -15
CNN 1/30 - 2/2 RV 42 54 -12
Quinnipiac 1/25 - 1/28 1004 RV 38 57 -19

One poll has him at 50%. 2 polls have him in the 30’s.

His polling is terrible.

Were there any chants of having mexico pay for the wall?

Just because they are not going to doesn’t mean tou stop playing the classics…

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That is my belief too. The 5-year statute of limitations on the criminal conspiracy he engaged in with Cohen and Pecker are likely what will drive him to seek reelection.

The same Rasmussen that had the final midterm results as +2 Republican in November? Not something I would hang my Trump support on if I were you.

If a President can’t be charged (because of his position) any statute of limitations should be suspended for the same duration.

If the inability to indict a sitting President were clearly outlined in the Constitution, then SOL could likely be suspended. But as it stands now, all we have is guidance from the DOJ, which means it is still an unsettled question that advantages the President. Now, if a sealed indictment were filed, then the SOL would be placed on hold, as far as my understanding.

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Whelp… this just happened…

That’s good. I just read where there’s an unusual number of sealed indictments in the D.C. Federal docket.

Of course there’s no way to know what’s in those sealed indictments. They may not be related to Trump or Mueller at all. We won’t know until they’re unsealed I guess.

I would rather shot myself in the foot then watch this.

I’ve read that as well. Very intriguing. But it would be nothing more than wild speculation to guess if any of them are related to the Mueller stuff. Also, the SDNY is who prosecuted/investigated the Trump/Cohen/Pecker criminal conspiracy that they all engaged in. But I’m not entirely sure where they would file any sealed indictments related to those criminal allegations.

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Fortunately for both you and your podiatrist, the rally was last night and has since concluded. :wink:

Interesting. I’d be interested in where you read that if you happen to recall.

I wasn’t aware there was a way to know about the existence of indictments under seal or a count of them, but if there is it would be valuable to understand. Pure ignorance on my part.

On the other hand, I could see where DC would be a jurisdiction with a naturally high number of sealed documents/settlements/etc. relative to other jurisdictions.

Here is one of the articles I had read on this topic.

Thanks for this. Very illuminating.

14 since August alone. I wonder how of those were before the election.

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You got it my friend.

I believe it is public record on the date it was submitted to the court and assigned a case number. But I would not have the first clue on how to begin the search.


I’ll bet Safiel knows how.

And a shout-out to Safiel and his posts that keep us informed about the courts activities without inserting a bunch of partisan hyperbole. Thanks @Safiel.

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And the Washington Post got the facts right again. (And this is the opinion of conservative journalist Jennifer Rubin.)

Her last paragraph sums it nicely.

Trump is left with his cultlike followers, vague threats to “finish” the wall regardless of Congress, his mindless chants and his sycophantic right-wing media. As for the rest of the country, most Americans have little reason to pay attention to his rants. He’s not setting policy nor saying anything new. In fact, he has become a bit of a bore.

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or not @WildRose