LIVE: PRESIDENT TRUMP rally Delaware, OH. 4/23/2022

Just As in 2010, 2016, 1994, etc etc etc.

I don’t know how to answer is the ‘religious right a thing’. Is the religious left a thing too, you okay with the religious left?

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Is the religious right a thing? Should god be driving policy

There are plenty of religious left.

The religion is Just different

No God does not dictate policy the country is for freedom of religion or no religion. All for religious freedom. No one is for going for everybody must abide by God’s Word. Want to be for the freedom to practice or not practice religion. The values that come from the Bible, like don’t kill, steal, lie are sort of things that do lay a basis for the laws in our country. To say that has no impact on our countries laws is not realistic. I believe that the values that come from Christianity are good for the country, you have the right to reject that.

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No…it doesn’t.

The name of the documentary is appropriate.

I don’t like the limited release.

Boy, does Boone’s Mill, Va. have the place for these folks. No cult following here!

ICYMI. Trump rally rebroadcast on Newsmax right now.


FYI…Next Rally is Friday!!

Trump is simply saying what we already know is true. He is one of US, He is the main spokesman for what we all care apart for our country and working on saving our country from the filthy traitorous, cult, who are thieves of America and it’s greatness and goodness.

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It’s like some people drank the Kool-Aid and jumped back in line for seconds.


And some people drown in their own cynicism in the rough seas of a bickering mind.

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Brandon is the poster boy of the bickering mind club.

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Big news…Trump Rally in my back yard on May 6.

The most recent reputable poll of the Senate primary — mostly conducted in the days before Mr. Trump endorsed Mr. Oz in early April — had Mr. Oz at 16% and Mr. McCormick at 15%, within the margin of error.

Rounding out the field in that Franklin and Marshall College poll were conservative commentator Kathy Barnette (7%), Montgomery County businessman Jeff Bartos (6%) and former U.S. ambassador Carla Sands (5%).

Mr. Trump’s visit to Greensburg will mark his first trip to Western Pennsylvania since before the 2020 election. He held a rally at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport just days before he lost the presidential race to Joe Biden.


It’s like some of us have our eyes open and can see that DC is packed full of liars and has been for decades. They all tell you what you want to hear and then do what’s best for their own pockets. Trump tells it like it is, often quite disrespectfully, which upsets many but then does what is the best path for this country to take, for our long-term well being. I hate politicians but Trump has come as close as anyone to doing what I’d hope a politician would do, once elected.

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Trump doesn’t care about you or anyone else but himself.

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…but Brandon does…amirite? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: :rofl: :+1:

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We appreciate the constant dysfunctional reminders.

YOU are the one who cares.

It helps the dysfunction to vomit out the bile at every opportunity.

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