Little Sisters of the Poor

Answer the question.

I already have you just aren’t trying.

What’s the problem? Someone who can’t get pregnant won’t be having an abortion, now will they?

Answer the question.

Very well put. Well put indeed. :+1:

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What a stupid post.



Typical snide, condescending attitude about others. It’s disguised as giving a good gosh darn about so called women’s rights and women’s health, but it really does show contempt for women in assuming 1) they can’t pay for their own essentials, or won’t, and 2) they can’t or won’t restrain their own desires.

Both are a load of crap.


I’m sure if a Red Crescent free health clinic was asked to perform services unacceptable to the Muslim faith, some posters here would be squealing like stuck pigs.

But an order of Christian monastics restraining their desires and actually living the poverty and chastity they preach, they’re fair game.

Disgusting mindset, proof positive that they really see some as more equal than others.


From the perspective of the inherent worth of every human life, it’s easy to justify it.

From the sociopolitical perspective, it’s hard to justify. That sticking point would sink a ban on the remaining 99% of unjustifiable abortions. I do not see hope for a ban on abortions that does not allow for that exception. I understand that reality and would not get in the way of a ban that accounts for that exception.

Abortion is a form of birth control.

Circular argument.

Yes it is. If I fund your college education, I have provided you with a college education. I have also participated in it.

No it is not. Birth control/contraception PREVENT pregnancy. Abortion ENDS pregnancy.

Actually, it’s a form of life control. That baby gets birthed. It comes out one way or another. The only question is whether or not it comes out dead or alive.

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High school biology makes it clear that a new, unique human life starts at conception.

Development is just a part of how that life grows once it is started, and is more the subject of embryology, which is a more advanced course usually taken by college biology and pre-med majors.

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No you haven’t, did you teach me, pick my classes, etc?

Only because you choose to interpret it that way. But the reality is govt funded birth control has been proven to lower pregnancy rates, this lowers abortion rates. So yes if you eliminate this funding pregnancy and abortion will rise.

Good. So you don’t need free college from tax payers. Glad we got that settled.

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I personally don’t, other people are different from me.

It applies.