
Kyrsten Sinema became the first Democrat to win a Senate seat from Arizona in 30 years. She won Arizona by 2.3%. I give Arizona about a 50% chance of going blue in 2020.

Go ahead talk.

He was trying to find out their prognosis. He missed the dead part.

Trump’s cult is getting crazier and crazier. Expect to see more pledges to Trump himself. Most Americans want no part in joint a cult.

And part of that fairy tale is that the left are a calmer and more peaceful group.

Was pretty silly but in the end glad to see the JV team defeated.

How do you look into something very strongly.

For ■■■■■ sake my 5 year old grandson has a better grasp of the English language than this idiot.

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Just one of those things he says when he hasn’t been listening to something, because it’s not about him, but he wants to pretend he’s been listening and is really really really going to do something important, even though everyone knows he is going to do nothing.

He’s a sicko.

You forgot to add that he has trashed long term Allies.

He articulates at a seven year old.

I wonder where being shot and killed would rate in good and bad treatment of a president.

As per the above quote it is pure speculation your assertion.

Of course you disagree but the facts are there.