Link to mueller report


From what has been said on TV an attempt is sufficient. The success or failure is irrelevant.

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Even If Trump removed Mueller, which is his right, the investigation would have continued anyway!

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There is a word for thisā€¦tamperā€¦

Because they are NOT releated to collusion or what Mueller was charged with investigating. If it was collussion or obstruction, Mueller would still be doing the investigation.

That presumes no evidence is uncovered in those investigations donā€™t provide evidence of collusion and/or obstruction. You are a brave person to think there is no possibility of that happening.

Everyone else is reading it and his supporters are frantically running around waving their hands yelling ā€œnothing to see here!ā€ within minutes. :rofl:

Creuzotā€™s efforts in Dallas County to decriminalize poverty will include declining to prosecute theft of personal items worth less than $750 unless the theft was for financial gain.

Go to Dallas County. Long as you steal less than $700 you might not get prosecuted for theft :smiley:

Article on the new proposal by the Dallas County prosecutor not to file charges on thefts that are less than $750 in value.

Whatā€™s yours is mine, and they wonā€™t throw me in the clink for taking it.

Trump supporters, this is the man you elected to be president of the most powerful country on earth.
ā€œIā€™m ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  :rofl:

The one post yes.

Poster highlighted what they consider damning evidence, but didnā€™t pay any attention to the last line of the paragraph.


What a comedian!

We heard the summary from Barr. Heā€™s well respected.

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Where am I wrong?

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Although he gives no timetable for rolling out the changes, Creuzot instructed prosecutors to ask for shorter probation periods: six months for misdemeanors, 180 days for state jail felonies, two years for second- and third-degree felonies and five years for first-degree felonies.

Your own linkā€¦

Again you defend a criminal.i never want to see any of you complain about hillary again

No, that you really think being cleared of that very narrow scope of investigation moves the needle in any way for all but the fringes.

I wonder how many ā€œproceedingsā€ there are, 14/ 16?
Damn shame Appendix D is redacted.

Just saying im not making pronouncements until i read whole thing.

Looks the tapes might be realā€¦

Its mind blowing nothing is being done

This is devastating to the president. No way around it. Sure, he got the ā€œconclusionsā€ he needed (albeit one of them equivocal), but there are so many objectively terrible facts in this report. And itā€™s not even the full report. Good lord.

More obstruction. Sessions needs to testify under oath.
