Libs world is crashing down around em

Unskilled laborer.

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With Trump heading full bore into a trade war, the fed raising interest rates like it’s going out of style, an overcooked stock market, and housing prices being far above what they should be given current conditions,and the penchant for our current executive branch to just deregulate everything as much as they can for the sake of doing so, are you really gonna make that assertion? I’m not one for a lot of hyperbole, but this is all setting up for something even worse than the last time around sans Bush Jr. I hope the hell I am wrong, but if history has taught us anything is that it repeats itself, and we’ve set ourselves up this time for something truly horrific.

Here is the ironic thing about that. Despite how deplorable Trump and his minions are, the one thing that could guarantee them a 2nd term would be a sustained economy through 2019 and half or more of 2020, regardless of various social issues. If ■■■■ starts to go south before then, and I believe it will (not stating fact just opinion) it will be the end of this administration. No ruskies, or somewhat cheap porn stars needed.


In response to Trump’s tariffs on steel a USA steel plant is reopening, 300 USA steel jobs are returning, and the company is investing $5 billion in the USA steel industry! Trump is scoring wins left and right good job Mr. President!

Yes, it was up in 2017. All the gains of 2018 have been erased.

2017 was just a continuance of Obama’s admin. 2018 is the year of Trump.

Enjoy it, melted snowflake.

LMAO you realize 2018 isn’t even half over yet right, just chill team Trump is in charge we’ll MAGA!

LMAO you’re so right…when these tariffs start kicking in it will be much worse.

AHAHAHA you really should keep up with breaking news

Ahahaha, I work in steel.

Without the tariffs (or even with them) this plant will be shut down again in less than a year. I have 20+ years in steel, I’ve seen many plants come and go.

Under Obama’s policies I’m not surprised, Trump is in charge now things are different.

Obama was president for 20 years?

You ARE a Trumpvidian.

$5 billion 300 job Trump win read it and weep.

I’ll believe the $5B when I see it.

A nail and wire manufacturer in MO stands to lose 200 or more jobs due to the tariffs. So I guess the net gain of 100 jobs is totally worth it!

Those 200 people should move to SC to get those jobs eh?

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America was already great.

According to Limbaugh and Hannity, more violence. More lashing out.

Trump’s Winning, Democrats Are Losing — And It’s Driving Them Crazy
Jun 25, 2018

RUSH: To buttress my claim that what’s driving the left crazy is they’re losing — and I don’t think there can be any doubt about that, folks, they’re losing. They lost the election. Trump is triumphing. They have dished out more on Donald Trump than they have other presidents combined. And, I mean, including on Ronaldus Magnus and Nixon.

I mean, it has been nonstop from every mainstream media news source since Trump announced his candidacy. And it intensified when he won the nomination, and then it became insane when he won the election. And it has been nonstop, it has been intense, it’s been raw, undiluted hatred, nonstop. That has been the sole description of the coverage of Donald Trump and his presidency. And it was designed to kill him, politically. It was designed to destroy Trump, paralyze him, force him out of office, drive his approval numbers down to 20, 30%. Trump’s approval number is at 48%.

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It’s your delusion brother, we’re just living in it.

StarLord is a Christian like me. Cognitive Dissonate that.

Like you? Oh, hell no.

It’s a bloated white guy in charge now…2% is amazing.

Hell yes. We’re brothers, spiritually speaking. Sorry for tearing a hole in your reality. That’s satire.

More industry USES steel than makes steel.

Therefore the likely effect of a steel tariff is a net LOSS of jobs in the economy overall.